shuffle'是为了演示,你可以设置为一个具体的整数种子 % 定义均值和标准差 mu = 5; % 均值 sigma = 2; % 标准差 % 生成高斯随机数 numSamples = 1000; % 生成的样本数量 gaussianRandomNumbers = mu + sigma * randn(numSamples, 1); % 显示生成的高斯随机数的前几个值 disp(gaussianRandomNumbers(1:...
normrnd - Normal (Gaussian) random numbers. poissrnd - Poisson random numbers. randg - Gamma random numbers (unit scale). random - Random numbers from specified distribution. randsample - Random sample from finite population. raylrnd - Rayleigh random numbers. trnd - T random numbers. unidrnd - ...
ncx2rnd - Noncentral Chi-square random numbers. normrnd - Normal (Gaussian) random numbers. pearsrnd - Random numbers from the Pearson system of distributions. poissrnd - Poisson random numbers. randg - Gamma random numbers (unit scale). random - Random numbers from specified distribution. randsa...
Statistically, random numbers exhibit no predictable pattern or regularity. Sequences of statistically random numbers are used to simulate complex mathematical and physical systems. Random number generators can be used to approximate a random integer from a uniform distribution. When generated by a machin...
Tags Add Tags correlated dsp gaussian numbers process random Community Treasure Hunt Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting! MATLAB Basic Functions Reference Read now× Select a Web SiteChoose...
% normrnd - Normal (Gaussian) random numbers. % poissrnd - Poisson random numbers. % randg - Gamma random numbers (unit scale). % random - Random numbers from specified distr 16、ibution. % randsample - Random sample from finite population. % raylrnd - Rayleigh random numbers. % trnd - ...
% Generate dependent beta random values using that copula u =copularnd('gaussian',rho,100); b =betainv(u,2,2); % Verify that the sample has a rank correlation % approximately equal to tau tau_sample=corr(b,'type','kendall') tau_sample= 1.0000 -0.4537 -0.4537 1.0000 Gamrnd(伽马分布)...
How to write function to generate gaussian... Learn more about gaussian, random numbers, variance MATLAB
function Y2 = addnoise2angles(Y1, ratio) %# Random numbers sampled from Gaussian N = randn(size(Y1)); %# Noise level is defined per angle as a ratio of their respective standard deviations sigma = std(Y1, 0, 2); N = N.*repmat(sigma, 1, size(N, 2)); N = N*ratio; %# Ap...