RETURN Return to invoking function.RETURN causes a return to the invoking function or to the keyboard.It also terminates the KEYBOARD mode.Normally functions return when the end of the function is reached.A RETURN statement can be used to force an early return.Example function d = ...
Normally functions return when the end of the function is reached.A RETURN statement can be used to force an early return.Example function d = det(A)if isempty(A)d = 1;return else ...end break:BREAK Terminate execution of WHILE or FOR loop.BREAK terminates the execution of FOR and ...
return: RETURN Return to invoking function. RETURN causes a return to the invoking function or to the keyboard. It also terminates the KEYBOARD mode. Normally functions return when the end of the function is reached. A RETURN statement can be used to force an early return. Example function d...
Function plotted over the range from −4 to 4. It has a maximum value of 4 × 106. >> x = -4:0.0011:4; >> y =1./(((x+2.5).^2).*((x-3.5).^2))+1./((x-1).^2); >> plot(x,y) >> ylim([0,10]) Fig. 1.5 shows how the Matlab statement ylim([0,10]) ...
function [输出实参表]=函数名(输入实参数) 注释部分 函数体语句 return语句(可以有可以没有) 如果是文件中的子函数,则可以任意取名,也可以在同一个文件中定义多个子函数: 例: function [max,min]=mymainfun(x) %主函数 n=length(x); max=mysubfun1(x,n); ...
function mean = avg(x,n)MEAN subfunction mean = sum(x)/n;Subfunctions are not visible outside the file where they are defined.Normally functions return when the end of the function is reached.A RETURN statement can be used to force an early return....
工作区分基本工作区(Base Workspace)和函数工作区(Function Workspace),函数工作区一般在函数调用过程中产生,我们一般接触的就是基本工作区。基本工作区中的变量在关闭Matlab前都不会自动清除,除非用clear命令,所以如果想让程序不依赖于历史数据的话,最好在运行程序前执行“clear all”命令。参考Matlab R2014a帮助文档...
function [输出实参表]=函数名(输入实参数) 1. 注释部分 1. 函数体语句 1. return语句(可以有可以没有) 1. 如果是文件中的子函数,则可以任意取名,也可以在同一个文件中定义多个子函数: 1. 例:function [max,min]=mymainfun(x) %主函数 1. ...
matlab本身也有return函数。>> help return RETURN Return to invoking function.RETURN causes a return to the invoking function or to the keyboard.It also terminates the KEYBOARD mode.Normally functions return when the end of the function is reached.A RETURN statement can be used to force...
function handle是一个指针。指向表达式:f = @(x) exp(x); x = 0: 0.1: 2; plot(x, f(x)); 3 变量和数据访问 变量:string, structure, cell 数据访问 数据类型 多维数组 numeric 数值 double 默认 single uint 8 16 32 64 int 8 16 32 64 logical true false char cell struct 标量 function ...