Allows any number of arguments to a function. The variable varargin is a cell array containing the optional arguments to the function. varargin must be declared as the last input argument and collects all the inputs from that point onwards. In the declaration, varargin must be lowercase (i.e...
时间单位:PTB-3中的时间单位为秒,如果要获得毫秒,则×1000。 [optional arguments]: Brackets in the function list, e.g. [color], indicate optional arguments, not matrices. Optional arguments must be in order, without omitting earlier ones, but you can use the empty matrix [] as a place holde...
% function h=vline(x, linetype, label) % % Draws a vertical line on the current axes at the location specified by 'x'. Optional arguments are % 'linetype' (default is 'r:') and 'label', which applies a text label to the graph near the line. The % label appears in the same...
% where the truncation arguments inside the square brackets are optional. % OUTPUTS: % funcVal Calculated function value. Defaults to center of CI. Can be mean, median, or max/min. % stdev Standard deviation of the function outputs
function [Returns,intervals] = price2ret(Prices,ticks,method)%PRICE2RET Convert prices to returns%% Syntax:%% [Returns,intervals] = price2ret(Prices)% [Returns,intervals] = price2ret(Prices,ticks,method)%% Description:%% Compute returns from series of observations in levels ...
function [R] = rot(axis, angle, homo) %ROT Returns a rotational matrix about a specific basic axis % R = ROT(axis, angle, 'homo') % % axis = 'x', 'y', or 'z'. % angle should be in radian. % 'homo' is optional if you want an homogenouse form else you do not need %...
Example function call with minimum arguments: samesize(a,b)%(where a and b are arrays of class cell or double) In this case, default behavior will resize a and b to the largest dimensions of the arrays. With output: [a,b]=samesize(a,b) ...
Some MATLAB functions accept optional name-value arguments. The names are character arrays and the values can be any type of value. Use astd::vectorto create a vector of arguments containing the names and values in correct sequence. This example calls the MATLABmovsumfunction to compute the thre...
Arguments for the MATLAB function with default execution options. Use the dynamic type to resolve the type of the required, positional, named, and optional parameters at run time. The MATLAB function determines the type for arg1, ..., argN. RunOptions options Execution options for the function,...