% 定义目标函数 function y = myObjective(x) y = x^2 + 2*x + 1; end % 设定初始变量值 x0 = 0; % 使用for循环进行迭代 for i = 1:5 % 调用fminsearch进行优化 [x, fval] = fminsearch(@myObjective, x0); % 更新初始变量值 x0 = x; % 打印优化结果 disp(['Iteration ', num2str(...
while循环(while-loop) 当我们并不知道循环要执行多久,需要用while循环结构。 function [n total] = possum(limit) total = 0; n = 0; while total <= limit n = n + 1; total = total + n; end fprintf('sum: %d count : %d\n, total, n); 与for循环的区别:循环体和判断都要重复执行。 如...
for ii=1:numel(hf) options = optimoptions('fsolve','Display','none','PlotFcn',@optimplotfirstorderopt); neff = [0; 5]; NEFF(ii)=fsolve(@(hf) eff(hf(ii), neff), neff,options); end %plot(hf, NEFF) function F = eff(hf, neff) nf=(2.1511); ns=(1.5264); nc=(1.3354); rh...
使用for循环进行迭代:在某些情况下,可能需要对fminsearch进行多次迭代,以获得更好的优化结果。这时可以使用for循环来重复执行fminsearch函数,每次循环使用前一次迭代的结果作为初始变量值。 下面是一个使用fminsearch和for循环进行优化的示例代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 % 定义目标函数 function y = myObjective(x) y = ...
I will use for loop for my time T inside these two functions. I have this function for fsolve: 테마복사 function F=torder1(x) x_1=[0:0.01:1]; b=0.6; dt = 0.01; Nt = 1/dt+1; %$ sol(1) = h; sol(2) =theta; clear x_1; syms x_1 h theta kappa f_1(x_1...
I created a polynomial function f(x,y) using two variables. I varied the values of both variables to get the maximum f(x,y) using for loop and i got it. But, i dont know how to get or display the values of the x and y that made it. can you tell me the syntax to get th...
第一种方案:使用 for 循环,返回一个 Fibonacci 数 F(n) %%% Fibonacci.m %%% Date: 2021/10/21 %%% for-loop function [ result ] = Fibonacci( n ) F(1) = 1; F(2) = 1; if n <= 0 error('The input argument n has to be an positive integer.'); elseif n == 1 || n == ...
function obj = toc(obj, i) dt = toc; obj.TotalTime = obj.TotalTime + dt; obj.IntervalTime = obj.IntervalTime + dt; if obj.IntervalTime >= obj.MaxIntervalTime || i == 1 || i == obj.N step_time = obj.IntervalTime/(i - obj.LastIndex); ...
下面我们看一个for循环的简单例子:function S = mysum (n) % gives the sum of the first n integers S = 0; % start at zero % The loop : for i = 1:n % do n times S = S + i; % add the current integer end % end of the loop ...
function func( ~ ) end 匿名函数 tic for i=1:1000000 funca(i); end toc Mean elapsed time is 0.561228 seconds. funca=@(x)''; 内联函数 tic for i=1:1000000 funci(i); end toc Mean elapsed time is 19.5606 seconds. funci=inline('','x'); ...