Shortcut近路,捷径。 Block硬块,街区,字模。 Equation方程式,等式。 Complex复合的,复数。 Identical相同的,相等的。 Distinct个别的,独特的,不同的。 Apply使用,适用,充当。 Untitled无标题的,未命名的。 Parallel平行的,比较,平行线。 Displace位置,代替,免除职位。 Customizable可定制的。 Consistency一致性,稳定性...
在历史命令窗口中,先用鼠标选择“if a0 c=5 ,end”命令,单击鼠标右键,选择“Create Shortcut”菜单,则出现“Shortcut Editor”窗口,如图1.14所示。如图1.15所示为变量“c=1 2;3 4;5 6”出现在“Variable Editor”变 33、量编辑器窗口的情形。图中有三个面板,在“VARIABLE”面板中可以在变量中插入行、列,...
Custom shortcut controls Today’s article will focus on the new toolstrip interface of Matlab release R2012b and later; adaptation of the code to R2012a and earlier is relatively easy (in fact, simpler than the toolstrip-based code below). Displaying the Shortcuts panel Before we begin to...
DisableResetZoomKeyboardShortcut— Disable the Reset Zoom keyboard shortcut 0 (default) | 1EnableZoomOnScroll— Enable zoom using the scroll wheel 1 (default) | 0EnableInlineOutputFocus— Focus outputs using keyboard when output is inline 1 (default) | 0...
ActionDescriptionKeyboard ShortcutFunction Continue Continue running file until the end of the file is reached or until another breakpoint is encountered. F5 dbcont Step Run the current line of code. F10 (Shift+Command+O on macOS systems) dbstep Step In Run the current line of code, an...
第1章 MATLAB R2010a环境 1.1MATLAB简介 1.2MATLABR2010a的环境设置1.3通用操作界面窗口1.4MATLABR2010a其他管理 1.51个实例 1.1.1MATLAB工具箱MATLAB有以下主要的工具箱。(1)控制系统工具箱(ControlSystemToolbox):主要应用于连续系统设计和离散系统设计,传递函数和状态空间模型建立,模型转换,方程求解,...
- In the Shortcut Editor, choose a "Label" (such as "new function"), an Icon (such as "f") and fill the "Callback" edit text panel with the corresponding command (such as "new('f')"). - Click "Save". That's all. Whenever you want to change the headers' format, edit the...
When clicking on this shortcut MATLAB will start and a dialog box appears that makes it possible to connect to the COMSOL Server™ that is already assumed running. Fill in the missing information and click OK to connect. R U N N I N G C O M S O L M O D E L S A T T H ...
MBeautify.createShortcut('editorpage'): Creates a shortcut forMBeautify.formatCurrentEditorPage() MBeautify.createShortcut('editorselection'): Creates a shortcut forMBeautify.formatEditorSelection() MBeautify.createShortcut('file'): Creates a shortcut forMBeautify.formatFile(sourceFile, destFile) ...
AppDesigner issues: reordering and undeleting callbacks, turning off Code Analyzer markup Regarding the undoing of deleting a callback, it is undoable. You can either use keyboard shortcut ctrl+z (Be sure to click on t... 거의 7년 전 | 0 ...