# ndarray需转化为 字符 list_transfer=['Speed','Torque','eff','eff_current']foriinlist_transfer:forjinrange(len(df1)):try:df1[i][j]=df1[i][j].tostring();except:continue; View Code 结果如下(df1): 然后用to_sql的方式将该dataframe 保存至本地sql数据库即可...
For循环允许一条语句或一组语句被重复执行预 先指定的次数。For循环的一般形式是: for x =array 语句 end 很多时候:for语句的格式为: for 循环变量=表达式1:表达式2:表达式3 循环体语句 end 其中,“表达式1:表达式2:表达式3”是一个冒号表达式,将产生一个行向量,3个表达式分别代表初值、步长和终值。步长为1时...
% The possible values for FMT are contained in the file format% registry, which is accessed via the IMFORMATS command.%% If FILENAME is a TIFF, HDF, ICO, GIF, or CUR file containing more% than one image, INFO is a structure array with one element for...
%% File Write in Formatted IO x = linspace(0, pi, 10); y = sin(x); fid = fopen('sinx.txt', 'w'); % pointer for i = 1: 10 fprintf(fid, '%5.3f %8.4f\n', x(i), y(i)); % %5.3f 浮点数 3位小数 总长度为5 end fclose(fid); type sinx.txt 0.000 0.0000 0.349 0.3420...
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假如要处理的数组名为a,程序为:n=0;for i=1:length(a)if ( imag(a(i))~=0)break;end n=n+1;b(i)=a(i);end if (n~=0)a=b;else disp('No real number in array a');end 已在matlab上运行验证,可用于所有情况(即使a数组第一个元素就是复数),运行后的a数组就是除去复数...
可以是任意值或动态值 '***...* For x = 1 To 10 For xx = 1 To 5 MArray(x).MArray2(xx) = xx '在内部数组中存储值 - 这里只是存储数字 Next xx...MArray2) Debug.Print xx & ": " & MArray(x).MArray2(xx) Next xx Next x End Sub 打开立即窗口和本地窗口,然后在代码中插入一...
error('The number of elements in I and B must be the same.'); end % 使用矢量化操作进行赋值 A(I) = B(end); % 使用循环进行赋值 for i = 1:length(I) A(I(i)) = B(i); end % 打印结果 disp(A); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
, in Programming for Electrical Engineers, 2021 Why Program? A matlab program is simply a collection of commands that one could type from the command line. These commands are grouped together into a file called a program and are run by typing the file’s name into the matlab command window...
IMSHOW(I) displays the grayscale image I. IMSHOW(I,[LOW HIGH]) displays the grayscale image I, specifying the display range for I in [LOW HIGH]. The value LOW (and any value less than LOW) displays as black, the value HIGH (and any value greater than HIGH) displays as white. Valu...