So let's assume I have an array like so x = 4x5 array [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2] What I want to do is flip the diagonals of this matrix horizontally. So the end result would look like this, ...
KeyPressArray = [KbName('j') KbName('k') KbName('l')]; %定义3个按键 % 开始 % 空屏1秒 Screen('FillRect', wptr,bkgColor); %准备黑屏 Screen('Flip', wptr); %黑屏 WaitSecs(blank_Interval_1000); %Duration % show the fixation for Screen('PutImage',wptr, imgMatrix_Fixation); Screen(...
KeyPressArray = [KbName('f') KbName('j')]; %定义2个按键 % Start % blank interval for 1000ms Screen('FillRect', wptr,bkgColor); %准备黑屏 Screen('Flip', wptr); %黑屏 WaitSecs(blank_Interval_1000); %Duration % show the fixation Screen('PutImage',wptr, imgMatrix_Fixation); Screen(...
为方便进行程序设计,Matlab任然支持显示的函数重载,参考Matlab R2014a帮助文档“Types of Functions”、Matlab R2012a帮助文档“Matlab/Getting Started/Programming/Scripts and Functions/Types of Functions”。 4.矩阵及矩阵化编程 矩阵的创建(参考Matlab R2014a帮助文档“Array Creation and Concatenation”、《MATLAB ...
Given a matrix A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6] Flip it horizontally and vertically to obtain a complete reversal of both rows and columns. ... 11개월 전 문제를 풀었습니다 Create an m x n array consisting only of an input value. ...
Try null! (Look carefully at the array generated by Toeplitz. It is at least a pretty way to generate the matrix I needed.) X = toeplitz(Sn,[1,zeros(1,4)]); rank(X(5:end,:)) ans = 5 Hmm. So there is no linear combination of those columns that yields all zeros, since the...
Candidate times are the timestamps provided by PsychToolbox, such as the timestamp returned by Screen('Flip') or keyboard functions such as KbEventGet. time: timestamp (microseconds) stored with the message Store timestamped message getMessages() messages: returns Nx2 cell array containing N...
For the truss to be statically determinate, that is, for there to be a unique solution, we assume that joint 1 is rigidly fixed both horizontally and vertically and that joint 8 is fixed vertically. Resolving√the member forces into hor- izontal and vertical components and defining α = 1...
矩阵维度信息(参考Matlab R2014a帮助文档“Array Dimensions”): 矩阵元素索引(indexing,参考Matlab R2014a帮助文档“Indexing”、《MATLAB R2011a教程》第3章p125): 全下标访问:A(a,b),a、b可以是标量、向量,“:”索引该维度所有值,“a:end”从a到该维度最大值; ...
g=gramm(‘x‘cars.Model_Year‘y‘cars.MPG‘color‘cars.Cylinders‘subset‘cars.Cylinders~=3 & cars.Cylinders~=5);%%% % Subdivide the data in subplots horizontally by region of origin using% facet_grid()g.facet_grid([]cars.Origin_Region);%%%% Plot raw data as pointsg.geom_point();%...