reset(RandStream.getGlobalStream); % fix the random seed for initalization of GMM 1. saveProb = 0; % 1: save the probability image 1. %% main routine 1. img = imread(img_name); img = imresize(img,scale); 1. [K, labels, idx] = seed_generation(ref_name,scale); 1. %% RWR wit...
以前一般是rand('state',sum(100*clock))来根据当前时间设定初始状态,但时间始终是递增的,而且变化幅度相对来说很小,效果不是很好。 有很多人用别的方式设定初始状态(如rand('twister', fix(mod(1e11*(sum(clock)-2009), 2^31)));),为简便起见,个人推荐采用新版Matlab中rng函数语法,即rand('twister',mod...
rng(0) % fix the random seed statePath = [featureInputLayer(numObservations,'Normalization','none','Name','State') fullyConnectedLayer(64,'Name','fc1')]; actionPath = [featureInputLayer(numActions, 'Normalization', 'none', 'Name','Action') fullyConnectedLayer(64, '...
Fix the random number seed for reproducibility. rng(0) UsegenerateMATLABFunctionto generate evaluation functions for the state, the output, and their Jacobians, fromnlgr. generateMATLABFunction(nlgr,"xdotFcn") Evaluate the state function.
Python随机数中种子的使用 1、random.seed()可以给随机数设置种子,使用相同的种子会生成相同的随机值。 2、使用两个种子,一个0,一个1。...相同体现在随机数与种子的距离,与相同种子距离相同的随机数相同。...random.random()) # Random number 1 : 0.8444218515250481 # Random number 11 : 0.13436424411240122...
%% Solve a Finite Set MPC Problem in Simulink% Fix the random generator seed for reproducibility.rng(0);% Create a discrete-time strictly proper plant with 4 states, two inputs and one output.% drss: Generate random...
Fix the random generator seed for reproducibility. rng(0); Create a discrete-time strictly proper plant with 4 states, two inputs and one output. plant = drss(4,1,2); plant.D = 0; Set the sampling time to 0.1s, and increase the control authority of the first input, to better illus...
tallrng Function: Specify random number algorithm without specifying seed Share 使用tallrng 函数时,您可以仅指定随机数生成器要使用的算法。tallrng(generator) 语法允许您在不指定种子的情况下设置随机数算法,其中 tallrng 使用种子 0。此语法等效于 tallrng(0,generator)。例如,tallrng("philox") 使用种子 0...
注:通用随机数生成函数random可适用的分布类型包括:’discrete...=randperm(N):生成1,2,…,N的一个随机排列。 实际上,计算机生成的是伪随机数,其生成机制由随机种子控制。rand和randn是最基本的随机数产生函数,他们允许用户自己设置 智能推荐 随机数的生成 ...