function y = myCustomFunction(x, a, b)% 示例自定义函数,这里假设为简单的线性函数 y = a * x + b;end 准备数据:提供用于拟合的数据,包括自变量 x 和因变量 y。xData = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];yData = [2.1, 2.8, 3.4, 4.2, 5.1];使用 fit 函数进行拟合:使用 fit 函数进行曲线拟合...
1 링크 번역 답변:Chiara Tescione2021년 1월 16일 I can't find how to fit mle for custom function. mle(data,'pdf',pdf,'cdf',cdf,'start',start,...) doesn't seem appropriate, because it returns probability density values and cumulative density values. I need to fit ge...
% f = fittype('k*x+b') %采用自定义函数 [fit1, estimate1] = fit(xdata,ydata,'poly1') % 针对原始数据的拟合 fdata = feval(fit1, xdata); % 求得拟合数据 I = abs(fdata-ydata) > 1.5*std(ydata);% 剔除点计算方法outliers = excludedata(xdata, ydata, 'indices', I) % 找到对应...
1);% 调用 regress 函数X=[x,y,ones(len,1)];p=regress(f_noise,X)% 拟合结果f_fit=p(1)*...
2)选择相应类型的曲线拟合(到其它地方粘贴过来的),点击Type of fit 下拉菜单: Custom Equations:用户自定义的函数类型 · Exponential:指数逼近,有2种类型, a*exp(b*x) 、 a*exp(b*x) + c*exp(d*x) · Fourier:傅立叶逼近,有7种类型,基础型是 a0 + a1*cos(x*w) + b1*sin(x*w) ...
5、it Editor里面点击NewFit按钮,此时其下方的各个选框被激活, 在Data Set选框中选中刚才建立的x-y数据组,然后在Type of fit选框中选取拟合或回归类型,各个类型的拟合或回归相应的分别是:Custom Equations用户自定义函数Expote ntial e指数函数Fourier傅立叶函数,含有三角函数Gaussian正态分布函数,高斯函数In terpola...
These blocks are a good starting point for creating a custom block if: Matlab函数块允许您使⽤MATLAB语⾔来定义⾃定义功能。这些块是创建⾃定义块的好起点,如果: · You have an existing MATLAB function that models the custom functionality. 你有⼀个现有的MATLAB函数,模型的⾃定义功能。 · ...
Hi, I'm trying to fit data to a custom exponential function a*exp(-b*x)+c. No fit is generated and I get the following error in the Results window: "Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent." I've tried generating clean, simple data to fit: ThemeCopy aa=2...
Also, ensure your function can handle vectorized inputs properly, which seems to be the case here, but it's always good to double-check. Here is a clearer way to define your function and perform the fit: ThemeCopy % Define your custom function func = @(x, p1, p2, p3)...
Cannot figure out how to fit a complicated custom equation by Johnathan Johnathan is seeking help with implementing a complex equation into MATLAB's curve fitting toolbox. If you have experience with curve fitting or MATLAB, your input could be invaluable! Popular Discussions Duffing equation : Tra...