aFittype=fittype(linearModelTerms,Name,Value) aFittype=fittype(anonymousFunction) aFittype=fittype(anonymousFunction,Name,Value) fit()函数语法: fitobject=fit(x,y,fitType) fitobject=fit([x,y],z,fitType) fitobject=fit(x,y,fitType,fitOptions) fitobject=fit(x,y,fitType,Name,Value) [fitobject,...
7、合分为fit(xdata,ydata,exp1)和fit(xdata,ydata,exp2),分别为单指数和双指数拟合。例如TRV的工频拟合和拟合系数的选取:>> temp gof=fit(x',y','exp2')temp = General model Exp2: temp(x) = a*exp(b*x) + c*exp(d*x) Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds): a = 421.6 (395.4, ...
matlab_data_fitting DataFitting 施心慧中国海洋大学数学科学学院 Example:Vehicular(车的)StoppingDistance Predictthevehicle’stotalstoppingdistanceasafunctionofitsspeedAssumptions:totalstoppingdistance=reactiondistance+brakingdistance reactiondistance:Thedistancethevehicletravelsfromtheinstant(瞬间,时刻)thedriver...
% check with the matlab fit function as standard %check cost function 2 x=[1;2;3;4]; y=[1.1;2.2;2.7;3.8]; EXPR= {'x','1'}; p=fittype(EXPR); parameter=fit(x,y,p); end 运行结果: >> checkcostfunc() ans = Linear model: ans(x) = a*x + b Coefficients...
This tool computes a linear fit when there are uncertainties in x data and y data. The best slope and intercept are computed by minimizing the chi2 calculated using both standard deviation on x and y (Deming fit). Data points are simulated using a Monte Carlo method so as to obtain ...
A组7个 active constraint 活动约束 active set method 活动集法 analytic gradient 解析梯度 approximate 近似 arbitrary 强制性的 argument 变量 attainment factor 达到因子 B组4个 bandwidth 带宽 be equivalent to 等价于 best-fit 最佳拟合 bound 边界
Something doesn't work for me in fit by Yohay Yohay has been working on a simulation to measure particle speed and fit it to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. However, the fit isn't aligning perfectly with the data. Yohay has shared the code and histogram data for community members to re...
fit 有关库模型名称的列表,请参阅模型名称和等式。该表显示了一些常见的例子。 库模型名称 描述 'poly1' 线性多项式曲线 'poly11' 线性多项式曲面 'poly2' 二次多项式曲线 'linearinterp' 分段线性插值 'cubicinterp' 分段三次插值 'smoothingspline' 平滑样条曲线(曲线) 'lowess' 局部线性回归(表面) 到适合的...
smooth(Y, span, method)说明:Z:平滑后的数据向量Y:被平滑的数据向量span:平滑点数,缺省为5点method :平滑方法,缺省为移动平滑,其它还有moving Moving average (default)单纯移动平均lowessLowess (linear fit)线性加权平滑loessLoess (quadratic fit)二次加权平滑sgolay Savitzky-Golayrlowess Robust Lowess (linear ...
{i*3-2}=sprintf('Data File %d',i);legend_info{i*3-1}=sprintf('Linear Fit (R^2=%.2f)',rsq_linear);legend_info{i*3}=sprintf('Curve Fit (R^2=%.2f)',rsq_curve);endlegend(legend_info,'Location','best');title('Data Analysis and Regression');xlabel('X Data');ylabel('Y ...