首先,创建名为“applyhatch.m”的函数脚本。在同一路径下。代码如下:——复制即可。function applyhatch(h,patterns,colorlist) %APPLYHATCH Apply hatched patterns to a figure %APPLYHATCH(H,PATTERNS) creates a new figure from the figure H by %replacing distinct colors in H with the black and white %...
How to find the maximum value of this cell array or simply take example of a cell array in this form A = [1] [4] [6] [1 ] [5] [7] How to find the maximum value (i.e. 7) 댓글 수: 1 Stephen232017년 1월 24일 ...
I really don't know what you're doing with bsxfun, q, kevin, and all that. I urge you to avoid cell arrays unless they're really necessary such as when you have collections of different length strings, or collections of variables where the type of the variable (char, integer, s...
I have a 306*1 cell array and each cell array has a matrix of 100*2 elements. I want to find in which particular cell arrays I have value less than a specified value. i was reading the documentation and found I could use predefined function ...
Attempt to extract field 'Value' from... Learn more about mxarray, value, excel, com, actxserver Simulink, MATLAB Coder
访问cell array >> A(1, 1) ans = 1×1 cell 数组 {3×3 double} >> A{1, 1} ans = 1 4 3 0 5 8 7 2 9 >> A{1, 1}(1, 1) ans = 1cell和struct可以相互转换。 如何将matrix转换为cell。 使用num2cell和mat2cell: >> a = magic(3) a = 8 1 6 3 5 7 4 9 2 >> b ...
Cell array is a unique data type in MATLAB. It is a kind of array. Its internal elements can belong to different data types. In terms of conceptual understanding, it can be regarded as very similar to the structure in the C language and the objects in C++. similar. Cell array is a ...
orderedratings{1,7} is a 1x2 cell because the 7th element in the first row of ratings 'BB' is found in the 8th and 10th element of the second row, while the 8th element in the first row of ratings 'BB-' wasn't found at all in the second row. Great, isn't it? ;-)S...
>> Cell{1}ans =Harry>> Cell{2}ans =15>> Cell{3}ans =1 015 2而使用圆括号形式的索引可以得到变量的描述,如下所示。>> Cell(3)ans =[2x2 double]注意细胞数组中存储的是建立该对象时所使用的其他对象(矩阵或字符串、数字等)的拷贝,而不是引用或指针,即使其他对象的值被改变,细胞数组中的值也不...
the_yd_cell = get(obj_with_right_markers, 'YData'); if ~iscell(the_yd_cell); the_yd_cell = {the_yd_cell}; end From this code, I want to extract the the_xd_cell and the_yd_cell Cell Array value in a text file or CSV file in that way like such that,...