dim为2时,计算行的平均值,M为列向量 9.find ind = find(X) ind为X中所有非零元素的索引。如果X为行向量,ind也为行向量;如果X为列向量,ind也为列向量。如果X元素全为零或者X为空,ind为空。 ind = find(X, k) 返回X中前k个非零数 ind = find(X, k, 'first') 返回X中最多前k个非零数的索...
SalaryMatrix: [2×2 double]>>% 访问结构体的内部字段>>name = Struct.Name;而访问结构体内容时,使用相同的语法即可,例如Struct.Name的值仍然是Harry。这两种复合类型在保存用户输入和使用Simulink仿真输出时尤为常用。2.1.7 关系运算与逻辑运算关系运算符的运算结果是布尔量(0或1),具体说明如表2.7所示。表2.7 ...
load dataX //load a data set (a matrix) named dataX v = dataX(1:10) // v will be a 1 by 10 matrix with first 10 elements in first column of dataX save hello.mat v; // save the variable V into a file called hello.mat at current direction clear // deletest all of the v...
提示错误Index ..这是模拟退火的程序,第三行错误,求大神解决clc,clearsj0=load('sj.txt');%加载数据x=sj0(:,1:2:8);x=x(:);y=sj0(:,2:2:8);y=y(:);sj
load dataX //load a data set (a matrix) named dataX v = dataX(1:10) // v will be a 1 by 10 matrix with first 10 elements in first column of dataX save hello.mat v; // save the variable V into a file called hello.mat at current direction ...
% file. FILENAME is a string that specifies the name of the% graphics file, and FMT is a string that specifies the format% of the file. The file must be in the current directory or in% a directory on the Matlab path. If IMFINFO cannot find a...
%RANK Matrix rank.% RANK(A) provides an estimate of the number of linearly % independent rows or columns of a matrix A.% % RANK(A,TOL) is the number of singular values of A % that are larger than TOL. By default, TOL = max(size(A)) * eps(norm(A))....
i have a matrix size 378x5, how do i find the index column of the maximum value of each row? Thanks 댓글 수: 1 Rik2019년 5월 30일 (I'm on mobile so I can't check) The second output of max can do this. You may need to use a loop. ...
Can someone please send me the code to find second and third maximum no. in a particular row of a matrix size 1000*8?? Thanks 0 Comments Sign in to comment. Accepted Answer Image Analyston 4 Jun 2023 0 Link Edited:Image Analyston 4 Jun 2023 ...
functionX=Ni(A)%Input-Ais anNxNmatrix%Output-Iis anNxNinverse matrixofA%andI(j,:)containing the solution toAX(:,j)=E(:,j).%InitializeX,Y,the temporary storage matrixC,and the row%permutation information matrixR[N,N]=size(A);B=eye(N);%Bis anNxNidentity matrixX=zeros(N,N);Y=zero...