④ $find /etc -name "passwd*" -exec grep "cnscn" {} \; 看是否存在cnscn用户 ⑤ $find . -name "yao*" | xargs file 执行命令显示文件类型 ⑥ $find -name ap* -o -name may* 查找以ap或may开头的文件 ⑦ $find /home -mtime -2 在/home下查最近两天内改动过的文件 ⑧ $find /home -...
含有用户安装的除仿真块集以外的其他块集;Shortcuts中包含了使用帮助、工具条以及其他方面的使用技巧;Desktop Tools是桌面工具,含有Command History、Current Directory、View Sourse Files…、Editor、Path和Workspace六种工具;Web是一个网页集合,罗列了与MATLAB相关的所有网页,以利于用户搭配,需要时,只要...
DIR *.m lists all program files% in the current directory.%% D = DIR('directory_name') returns the results in an M-by-1% structure with the fields:% name -- Filename% date -- Modification date% bytes -- Number of bytes allocated to the file...
(6)Command History:命令历史窗口项,选择该项,屏幕上便会显示相应窗口; (7)Current Directory:当前路径窗口项,选择该项,屏幕上便会显示相应窗口; (8)Workspace:工作窗口项,选择该项,屏幕上会显示相应的窗口; (9)Help:帮助窗口项,选择该项,屏幕上便会显示相应窗口; (10)Profiler:轮廓图窗口项,选择该项,屏幕上...
表1.1 File菜单常用功能表2.Edit菜单Edit菜单如图1.3所示。Edit菜单的各菜单项与Windows的Edit菜单相似,其中“Paste to Workspace”有点特殊,可以用来打开数据输入向导对话框“Import Wizard”,将剪贴板的数据输入到MATLAB工作空间中。图1.3 Edit菜单MATLAB R2010a新增了“Find…”和“Find Files…”分别用来在窗口中...
Find and replace text in the current file or multiple files, automatically rename variables or functions, and go to a location in a file.
MATLAB helps you take your ideas beyond the desktop. You can run your analyses on larger data sets, and scale up to clusters and clouds. MATLAB code can be integrated with other languages, enabling you to deploy algorithms and applications within web, enterprise, and production systems. ...
Caught unexpected exception of unknown type.这个是什么原因求大神解答错误使用 cd无法将目录改变为 C:\Users\yingxin\AppData\Local\Temp (Name is nonexistent or not a directory)。出错tempdir (line 30) curr_dir = cd(tmp_dir);出错findLogStream (line 12)...
– 设置工作目录 (当前目录, Current directory) – 添加搜索路径(Path) (不要删除原有的搜索路径,否则可能会导致系统不 能正常工作) 1.菜单:File->Set Path 对话框 . 2.右击目录, 弹出菜单:Add to Path-> Selected Folders and Subfolders; 2.2 脚本式M文件 ...
fiff_dir_tree_findFind nodes of a given type in a directory tree structure. fiff_list_dir_treeList a directory tree structure. fiff_make_dir_treeCreate a directory tree structure. fiff_openOpen a fif file and create the directory tree structure. ...