now I want to find out which cell (Row and Col number) has the string 'Price' in it, and the answer is row=1, col=5. i dont know how to find that cell when i have only a part of the whole string in a cell, please help me what to do, thnx a lot0...
在处理cell数组中的数据时,我们常常需要查找特定的元素或者满足一定条件的元素。而MATLAB提供了find函数来实现这个过程。本文将详细介绍MATLAB中的cell数组find函数的用法和相关应用。 一、了解cell数组及其特点(150字左右) 在MATLAB中,cell数组是一种用来存储不同数据类型的数据的容器。与常规数组不同,cell数组的每个...
Matlab Cell 单元的 find 函数是一个非常有用的工具,它可以用于查找特定类型的元素。find 函数的基本语法如下: ```matlab find(cell, criteria) ``` 其中,`cell`是需要查找的 Cell 单元,`criteria`是用来判断元素是否满足条件的表达式。 例如,假设我们有一个Cell 单元`A`,其中包含了若干数字和字符串,我们可以...
% file. FILENAME is a string that specifies the name of the% graphics file, and FMT is a string that specifies the format% of the file. The file must be in the current directory or in% a directory on the Matlab path. If IMFINFO cannot find a...
变量:string, structure, cell 数据访问 数据类型 多维数组 numeric 数值 double 默认 single uint 8 16 32 64 int 8 16 32 64 logical true false char cell struct 标量 function handle @ 变量类型转换Character(char) 在ASCII中表示,使用数字代码0-255 将字符或字符串放入单引号中 >> s1 = 'h' s1 =...
string, and general arithmetic data and array). Its unique data access methoddeterminesits characteristics. It gives people a feeling of querying information, and it can be tracked gradually until all variables are translated into basic data information. The output of its class function is cell. ...
(ii) = string(s3{ii}(end:-1:1)); end ss --- % reverse函数 reverse({'abcde','12345'}) ans = 1×2 cell 数组 {'edcba'} {'54321'} 修改与删除: % ()修改,等号右边的值可以为字符串、字符向量或字符向量元胞数组,只需保证大小兼容即可 s1 = ["abc", "ABC"; "清风","老师"]; ...
1×1 cell array {3×1 cell} Z{1}{1} = a Z{1}{2} = b Z{1}{3} = 3 CHADCHAVIN's answer doesnotgive a cell array withthreecells (each one containing a substring). It givesonecell (not 3) and it simply put the string into the one cell. Not what was asked for. ...
namescell(*)Names of the channels associated with the entries (may be empty). datadouble (dim,dim)The covariance matrix. This a double(dim) vector for a diagonal covariance matrix. projsproj(*)The SSP vectors applied to these data.
strが文字ベクトルまたは string スカラーの場合、kはpatの各出現のインデックスを示す double のベクトルです。 strが文字ベクトルの cell 配列または string 配列の場合、kは cell 配列です。strのテキストごとに、kの対応するセルに、patの各出現のインデックスを示す double のベクトルが格...