figure, plot(x, y2); set(gca, 'FontSize', 20); Figure Position and Size figure('Position', [left, bottom, width, height]); 一个Figure上画很多不同的小plots subplot(m, n, 1); % row, column, 1-rows*columns ... subplot(m, n, m*n); %% subplot() t = 0:0.1:2*pi; x =...
%% clear screen variabes figureclc;clear;closeall;%% random gernerate datadata=randn(40,4);[~,l]=size(data);%% control figure and coordinate axis position% position control figure position and size% PaperSize control paper size% PaperPosition control print position and sizefig=figure('unit','...
大致是如下关系:(下图大致显示 figure(蓝色)和 axes(红色)定义的区域)
Figure Position and Size figure('Position',[left,bottom,width,height]); example: x=-10:0.1:10;y1=x.^2-8;figure('position',[10,10,1000,700]); 窗口在屏幕中的位置会变化 plot(x,y1); Several Plots in One Figure 一个窗口中多个图像 Several small plots "in a figure" subplot(m,n,1...
specifies the units used to define this rectangle.要使图像比例输出与屏幕显示的一致,可以使用如下命令屏幕显示图像尺寸可以plot时用 set(gcf,position,left bottom width height) 调整,或者print之前拖动窗口手动调整This example exports a figure at screen size to a 24-bit TIFF file, myfigure.tif.% set(...
[left, bottom, width, height]); %设定图窗位置(默认以屏幕的左下角为原点)和大小 >>figure(‘menubar’,’none’,’toolbar’,’none’); %关闭菜单栏(munubar)和工具栏(toolbar) %多属性合并使用 >>figure(‘menubar’,’none’,’toolbar’,’none’,’numbertitle’,’off’,’position’,[300,...
set(gca,'position',[]) 因此,set(gca,'position',[0.1,0.1,0.9,0.9]);的作用是: 设置坐标轴距离画板(图形窗口figure)边距。 [0.1,0.1,0.9,0.9]分别为axes在figure中的左边界,下边界,宽度,高度,最小为0,最 大为1(左边界,下边界为0,上边界,右边界为1) 见下面的例子: --- figure set(gca,'positio...
% Method 1: Using the figure Command figure('Position',[x, y, width, height]); Adjust the values of x, y, width, and height to set the desired position and dimensions of the figure. Below is the complete code that demonstrates the alteration of figure size using the figure command: ...
>>figure('Position',[1 scrsz(4)/2 scrsz(3)/2 scrsz(4)/2]) 执行上面的语句,会在屏幕的左上角生成一没有任何符号的窗口。 命令2 line 功能 生成线(line)对象。命令line在当前坐标轴中生成一个线对象。用户可以指定线的颜色,宽度,类型和标记符号等其他特性。