figure, plot(x, y1); figure, plot(x, y2); set(gca, 'FontSize', 20); Figure Position and Size figure('Position', [left, bottom, width, height]); 一个Figure上画很多不同的小plots subplot(m, n, 1); % row, column, 1-rows*columns ... subplot(m, n, m*n); %% subplot() t...
默认情况下,MATLAB 会在你添加子图时立即显示它们。如果你想要保存该图形,可以使用 saveas 函数。 matlab saveas(gcf, 'multiple_plots.png'); % 保存当前图形窗口为 PNG 文件 通过上述步骤,你可以在一个 figure 窗口中绘制多个子图,并根据需要调整它们的布局和样式。
% freezeColors Lock colors of plot, enabling multiple colormaps per figure. (v2.3)% % Problem: There is only one colormap per figure. This function provides % an easy solution when plots using different colomaps are desired % in the same figure.% % freezeColors freezes the ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 fork = 1:10 figure(k); plot(foo); temp=['fig',num2str(k),'.png']; saveas(gca,temp); end In this particular code i have 10 figures. How can i save all these figures in one single folder.
2、Be careful when using the gcf handle where there exists multiple figures(在存在多个图形的情况下使用gcf ID时要小心) (五)Figure Position and Size(图形位置和大小) (六)Several Plots in One Figure(一个图中包含几个图形) 1、Several small plots ”in a figure“(用几个小图合成一个大图) 2、...
We can also set other properties like the figure’s position and size using thePositionproperty of thefigurecommand. If we want to plot multiple plots in the same figure, we can use thesubplot()function. To use thesubplot()function, we first have to define the number of rows and columns...
Multiple Figures 多图 直接画两个图---图中的坐标系均不同 create a figure window by calling figure x=-10:.1:10; y1=x.^2-8; y2=exp(x); figure,plot(x,y1);%此为figure1 figure,plot(x,y2);%此为figure2 此时先画figure1 后画figure2 所以都画完后,当前的gca gcf 全局句柄为figure2图...
Create a stairstep plot of y versus x. Open a new figure window using the figure command. If you do not open a new figure window, then by default, MATLAB® clears existing graphs and plots into the current figure. figure % new figure window ...
The subplot is a useful function in MATLAB that allows users to display multiple plots in a single figure. It helps visualize and compare different data sets.