fullfig('PropertyName',propertyvalue,...) fullfig(h) fullfig(...,'Border',BorderPercentage) h = fullfig(...) Description fullfig creates a new full-screen graphics figure. This automatically becomes the the current figure and raises it above all other figures on the screen until a new ...
Running Gridfigure lets figure windows automatically appear organized in grid style, without any commands. Gridfigure also provides a command to batch resize and organize figures in grid style, with full support of multiscreens. Automatic Alignment ...
figure window automatically modifies itself so that thepictures aspect ratio are preservedand the image does not look stretched out or it does not necessarily fill theaxis created initially by the figure window. image(<pic>) picture accomodates itself in the figures axis and the aspect ratio and...
firstfigurelinksautomatically;thehistogramdoesnotbecauselinkdata cannotdeterminewithcertaintytheYDataSourceforhistograms.The LinkedPlotinformationbarontopofthehistograminformsyouNo Graphicshavedatasources.Cannotlinkplot:fixit. 3ClickfixittoopentheSpecifyDataSourcePropertiesdialogbox.Type hwydata(:,9)intotheYDataSource...
createplot.java /* Necessary package imports */ import com.mathworks.toolbox.javabuilder.*; import plotdemo.*; /* * createplot class demonstrates plotting x-y data into * a MATLAB figure window by graphing a simple parabola. */ class createplot { public static void main(String[] args) ...
% Enlarge figure to full screen. set(gcf, 'Units', 'Normalized', 'OuterPosition', [0 0.05 1 0.95]); % Get rid of tool bar and pulldown menus that are along top of figure. % set(gcf, 'Toolbar', 'none', 'Menu', 'none'); % Give a name to the title ba...
At the MATLAB prompt enter these commands: p = (peaks+7)*5; [c,h] = contourf(p); clabel(c, h); model = mphimage2geom(p, 40); figure(2) mphgeom(model) 70 | C H A P T E R 3 : B U I L D I N G M O D E L S Use the property type to create closed or open ...
figure and taskbar should all be hidden or removed. The ‘undecorateFig’ tool can remove titlebar and taskbar of the figure, but the figure is not a full-screen figure, the area corresponding to the previous titlebar isn’t filled by the background of figure. I don’t know how to ...
twice as many screen pixels cover the same linear distance as the device-independent pixels do. If you create a figure, and specify its size to be 500-by-400 pixels, MATLAB reports the size to be 500-by-400 in thePositionproperty. However, the display uses 1000-by-800 screen pixels to...
That will change the window automatically so it has the same areas that you’re used to from MATLAB, annotated on the figure below:In the top left of the window is the File Explorer or directory listing. In this pane, you can find files that you want to edit or create new files and...