Meaning after one "tooth" (one rising and one falling edge) i want to change the sign to + or -1. Resulting in a signal alternating from -1 to 1 and so on. I tried using the derivative and then a sign block, but that does not yield a working result. I thought about implementing...
y_falling(idx) = y_values(idx); y_falling(idx+1) = y_values(idx+1); % populate the on-duty data line with y_values where the data is on-duty idx = find(states == 0); y_on(idx) = y_values(idx); y_on(idx+1) = y_values(idx+1); % plot the three lines figure hold...
attachInterrupt(0,counter,FALLING) that calls the interrupt handler ‘counter’ whenever a signal connected to interrupt pin (INT0) of the Arduino makes a high-to-low, that is, falling-edge transition. The GUI application program (speedmeasure.m) is developed using R2014a version of MATLAB. ...
akshayp/fall-detection - 🚷 DSP Program written in Matlab to detect falling objects with a companion Web UI ajt60gaibb/freeLYAP - A basic implementation of the Bartels-Stewart algorithm in MATLAB aboisbunon/mst - Model Selection Toolbox for Matlab/Octave lmendo/MATL - A programming language...
"TriggerType" property to "HWDigital". When doing so, the condition which initiates the data acquisition is controlled by the "TriggerCondition" property. For National Instruments boards, this value is by default set to "NegativeEdge" i.e. the trigger ...
/* timing constants ,for A. C. timing check, only non-zero times are specified,in nano-sec */ /* read cycle */ `define TRR 250 `define TRD 200 `define TDF 100 // max. time used /* write cycle */ `define TWW 250 `define TDW 150 ...
Fig. 4. Deposition of 100 grains in a confined box and compressive weight falling under gravitational load. Table 1. Overall CPU time spent by openGJK for contact detection in models with 100, 1200 and 2400 grains using different edge lengths Hmin. µHmin(µm)Number of grainsCPU time (...
Edge Detection Using in-Built Function in MATLAB Display the Red, Green, and Blue Color Planes of a Color Image in MATLAB MATLAB | Complement Colors in a Binary Image Matlab Program to Rotate an Image 180 Degrees Clockwise Without Using Function fminsearch in MATLAB Summation in MATLAB Covarianc...
akshayp/fall-detection - 🚷 DSP Program written in Matlab to detect falling objects with a companion Web UI ajt60gaibb/freeLYAP - A basic implementation of the Bartels-Stewart algorithm in MATLAB aboisbunon/mst - Model Selection Toolbox for Matlab/Octave lmendo/MATL - A programming language...
Use NaNs in the plotted lines where the data is not pertinent to that line, e.g., the green "rising" line will have NaNs wherever the data is not "rising". NaNs don't render on a plotted line so can be used to create gaps in a line.