% Now close the connection to V-REP: vrep.simxFinish(clientID); else disp('Failed connecting to remote API server'); end vrep.delete(); % call the destructor! disp('Program ended'); end 4.运行V-REP仿真,同时运行MATLAB。如果运行成功,会生成一个angle的txt文件,导入到MATLAB可以观测到到Bax...
% Now close the connection to V-REP: vrep.simxFinish(clientID); else disp('Failed connecting to remote API server'); end vrep.delete(); % call the destructor! disp('Program ended'); end 4.运行V-REP仿真,同时运行MATLAB。如果运行成功,会生成一个angle的txt文件,导入到MATLAB可以观测到到Bax...
我用matlab和v-rep通信的时候,出现了这个问题:Program startedNote: always make sure you use the corresponding remoteApi library(i.e. 32bit Matlab will not work with 64bit remoteApi, and vice-versa)Failed connecting to remote API serverv-rep小白求助!怎么解决吖...
INFO [lockstep_scheduler] setting initial absolute time to 1699681315573127 us INFO [commander] LED: open /dev/led0 failed (22) WARN [health_and_arming_checks] Preflight Fail: ekf2 missing data INFO [mavlink] mode: Normal, data rate: 4000000 B/s on udp port 18570 remote port 14550 INFO...
Connecting to ROS 2 device at ''. Using ROS 2 workspace '~/detector_ws2' to build ROS 2 node. --- Transferring generated code for 'detectstreaming' to ROS device. Starting build for ROS node. --- ROS 2 project directory: /home/dasl/detector_ws2/src...
('Connected to remote API server');% get handle for Baxter_rightArm_joint1[res,handle_joint1]=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(clientID,'UR5_joint1',vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait);[res,handle_joint2]=vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(clientID,'UR5_joint2',vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait);[res,handle...
vrep=remApi('remoteApi'); % using the prototype file (remoteApiProto.m) vrep.simxFinish(-1); % just in case, close all opened connections clientID=vrep.simxStart('',19997,true,true,5000,5); if (clientID<0) disp('Failed connecting to remote API server'); else vrep.sim...
Configuration system failed to initialize --- Help Please Connect network camera with VB Connect to database using Connectionstring in App.config VB.NET Connect to wifi using vb.net Connect with IP Camera connecting VB.net application to sql server remotely Connection string for Office 2019 Conn...
Configuration system failed to initialize --- Help Please Connect network camera with VB Connect to database using Connectionstring in App.config VB.NET Connect to wifi using vb.net Connect with IP Camera connecting VB.net application to sql server remotely Connection string for Office 2019 Connect...