eg if my table looks like this: column1column 2column 3column 4 083282 128033 housemaneiuefief 983298 120942 penhousewfdwhf 239832 108128 randomidqiydqy Say I want to extract all column 3 rows that contain the string "house" and put these values into...
(dYdT,"omitnan"); corrXY = corr(letter.X,letter.Y,"rows","complete"); featurenames = ["AspectRatio","NumMinX","NumMinY","AvgU","AvgV","CorrXY"]; feat = table(aratio,numXmin,numYmax,avgdX,avgdY,corrXY,'VariableNames',featurenames); letterds = datastore("*.txt"); preproc...
Remove the table rows representing Alaska and Hawaii. Get states = readgeotable("usastatehi.shp"); idx = states.Name ~= "Alaska" & states.Name ~= "Hawaii"; states = states(idx,:); Create a 2-by-1 tiled chart layout. In the first tile, display the US states over a map axes...
functionX=exciseRows(X) X(any(isnan(X),2),:)=[]; AfteryouremoveallrowscontainingNaNs,usethefollowingcommandto computethecorrelationcoefficientsofX: C=corrcoef(exci)); Formoreinformationaboutcorrelationcoefficients,see“LinearCorrelation” on2. InterpolatingMissingData Useinterpolationtofindintermediatepoint...
다시 열림:Walter Roberson2018년 12월 22일 Hi there, I have a matrix that contains 1 years worth of data (where the elements correspond to date x time) ranging from the 1st January to 31st December; each row represents 1 day of data. Is anyone aware of a method to average...
% Create a matrix with n rows that contains random values taken from list. function result = steps2D(list, n) result = zeros(n, size(list, 2)); for i = 1:n rand_row_index = ceil( length(list) * rand(1) ); step = list( rand_row_index, : ); result(i, :) = step; end...
issortedrows 确定矩阵或表的行是否已排序 isvector 确定输入是否为向量 ismatrix 确定输入是否为矩阵 isrow 确定输入是否为行向量 iscolumn 确定输入是否为列向量 isempty 确定数组是否为空 重构和重新排列 :-:- sort 对数组元素排序 sortrows 对矩阵行或表行进行排序 flip 翻转元素顺序 fliplr 将数组从左向右翻转...
addRowLinear combination of matrix rowslinalg::colExtract columns of a matrixlinalg::delColDelete matrix columnslinalg::delRowDelete matrix rowslinalg::multColMultiply columns with a scalarlinalg::multRowMultiply rows with a scalarlinalg::rowExtract rows of a matrixlinalg::setColChange a column of...
data = readtable(filePath,'VariableNamingRule','preserve'); % Extract relevant columns Z = data.("Distance (mm)");% Distance values totalPoints = numel(Z);% Total number of data points % Define target grid dimensions M = 60;% Rows ...