% 1. 读取数据dataTable=readtable('data.csv');% 2. 数据清洗data=dataTable.Column1;% 假设数据在第一列cleanedData=data(~isnan(data));% 3. 数据分析meanValue=mean(cleanedData);stdValue=std(cleanedData);fprintf('均值: %.2f, 标准差: %.2f\n',meanValue,stdValue);% 4. 数据可视化figure;...
Hello there, I would like to generate a lookup table, which is going to hold values to generate a COS wave of 6khz with a sampling freq of 8Khz using Matlab. The values of the LUT needs to be exported as a ***.h header file in order to "include" this in my main.c, that pro...
You're trying to save the variable called FileName20.mat in dlmwrite(). If that's the variable, then you have a dot in the name which means that FileName20 must be a structure, and mat must be a field/member of the structure. It's clearly not - you don't have any structur...
file = regexprep(file,'(\.xls)$','.csv'); % change extention to 'csv'. try dlmwrite(file,data,','); % write data. catch exception exceptionNew = MException('MATLAB:xlswrite:dlmwrite', 'An error occurred on data export in CSV format.'); exceptionNew = exceptionNew.addCause(excepti...
Sign in to answer this question.Accepted Answer Dyuman Joshi on 13 Feb 2023 Vote 1 Link Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: s1.csv Since the csv only contains numeric data, use readmatrix to load the data in a variable ThemeCopy variablename=readmatrix('s1.csv') variablename = 601×...
Editor Variable Renaming: Automatically rename next references to variables or functions in file Share 在编辑器和实时编辑器中,当重命名文件中的变量或函数时,您可以选择是重命名所有实例,还是仅重命名从当前光标位置到文件末尾的实例。要重命名变量或函数的所有实例,请按 Shift+Enter 键。要仅重命名从当前光标...
You’ve just grabbed your first ZED frame in Matlab. If you need real-time video capture, set a loop. The ZED camera will stay active as long as you keep the cam variable in Matlab’s environment. To turn off the camera, use this command: ...
Thenonevalue will not enclose any variable. We can use theEncodingproperty to change the scheme used to encode characters, which is set toUTF-8by default. We can set theEncodingproperty toISO-8859-1,windows-1251, andwindows-1252. We can use theSheetproperty to specify the sheet number or...
This function allows to export the data to a USB stick in the following formats: .bin, .xml, .csv. Disadvantage: You have to import the data separately using MATLAB Enhance your MATLAB script with a remote control function This function will allow to control the scope and also import the ...