T1,'k');ylabel('Template 1');grid onax(2)=subplot(312);plot((0:numel(T2)-1)/Fs2,T2,'r');ylabel('Template 2');grid onax(3)=subplot(313);plot((0:numel(S)-1)/Fs,S);ylabel('Signal');grid onxlabel('Time (secs)');linkaxes(ax(1:3),'x')axis([01.61-44])...
title('Restoration of Blurred, Noisy Image Using NSR = 0') % Try restoration using a better estimate of the noise-to-signal-power % ratio. estimated_nsr = noise_var / var(I(:)); wnr3 = deconvwnr(blurred_noisy, PSF, estimated_nsr); subplot(224), imshow(wnr3) title('Restoration of ...
(s.^2); % Signal power Pn = Ps/(10^(SNRdB/10)); % Noise Power w = sqrt(Pn)*randn(N,1); s = w+s; % AWGN channel EstF = ProposedInitial(s,Fs); % Initial estimate of proposed algorithm ErrF(jj,1) = abs(EstF-F(ii)); if ErrF(jj,1)>Fs/2 ErrF(jj,1) = Fs-Err...
% algorithm parameters: t* in seconds, f* in Hz, k* dimensionless % 1: tg = smoothing time constant for signal power estimate (0.04): high=reverberant, low=musical % 2: ta = smoothing time constant for signal power estimate % used in noise estimation (0.1) % 3: tw = fft window le...
% 1: tg =语音信号估计, smoothing time constant for signal power estimate (0.04): high=reverberant, low=musical % 2: ta = smoothing time constant for signal power estimate % used in noise estimation (0.1)噪声估计 % 3: tw = 窗长,fft window length (will be rounded up to 2^nw ...
1: tg = smoothing time constant for signal power estimate (0.04): high=reverberant, low=musical 2: ta = smoothing time constant for signal power estimate used in noise estimation (0.1)3: tw = fft window length (will be rounded up to 2^nw samples)4: tm = length of ...
Stream in and estimate the power spectrum of the signal. Construct afor-loop to run for 5000 iterations. In each iteration, stream in 1024 samples (one frame) of each sine wave and compute the power spectrum of each frame. To generate the input signal, add the two sine waves. The resul...
% Xp = Pilot signal % pilot_loc = Pilot location % N = FFT size % Nps = Pilot spacing % int_opt = 鈥檒inear鈥� or 鈥檚pline鈥� % output: % H_LS = LS Channel estimateLS_est = Y(pilot_loc)./Xp; % LS channel estimation ...
Actually, wecan’t get the expression of a specific signal, so we need to estimate the power spectral of a signal according to some sample data sequences.so spectrum estimation which is widely used in various signal processing. In this thesis, some common methods of Power Spectral Estimation,...
power_signal = rssq(xi(:))^2; % rssq computes the root-sum-of-squares If you have a separate noise signal y, its power can be computed similarly: power_noise = rssq(y(:))^2; If y is not available, you might need to estimate noise power directly from your EMG signal by ...