1.使用Matlab中的envelope函数来获取信号的包络。% 生成输入数据 t = 0:0.01:2*pi;x = sin(t) ...
function [up,down] = envelope(x,y,interpMethod)ENVELOPE gets the data of upper and down envelope of the known input (x,y).Input parameters:x the abscissa of the given data y the ordinate of the given data interpMethod the interpolation method Output parameters:up th...
function[up,down]=envelope(x,y,interpMethod)% ---% [up,down] = envelope(x,y,interpMethod)%% 输入:% x 数据横坐标% y 数据纵坐标% interpMethod 插值方法%% 输出:% up 上包络,跟x同样的长度% down 下包络,跟x同样的长度iflength(x)~=length(y)error('Two input data should have the same l...
For 2-D data it will perform this function on each column of data, using the primary wavelength of the central column throughout. The only input is the oscillating field. This method works remarkably well in obtaining the laser field envelope from the particle-in-cell simulations I have ...
% Call function envelope to % obtain the envelope data %--- [up,down] = envelope(t,y,'linear'); % Show the envelope alone %--- figure(2) plot(t,up); hold on; plot(t,down); title('The envelope of the given signal data','FontSize',18); hold...
提取包络线程序 function [up,down] = envelope(x,y,interpMethod) %ENVELOPE gets the data of upper and down envelope of the known input (x,y). % % Input parameters: % x the abscissa of the given data % y the ordinate of the given data % interpMethod the interpolation method % % Outp...
function [IMFs, residual] = emd(signal) %初始化IMFs和残差 IMFs = []; residual = signal; %循环分解信号直到残差为0或者只剩下一个IMF while (is_imf(residual)) %计算当前信号的极值点 extrema = find_extrema(residual); %计算当前信号的上包络线和下包络线 upper_envelope = upper_envelope_line(...
首先尝试用折线包络,编写函数生成所需折线: function envelope = envelope_line(t) envelope(1:floor(t/8)) = linspace(0,1,floor(t/8)); envelope(floor(t/8)+1:floor(t/4)) = linspace(1,,floor(t/4)-floor(t/8))); envelope(floor(t/4)+1:floor(3*t/4)) = linspace,,floor(t*3/...
[ 18] 0x00000000115db85f D:\MATLAB 2015a\bin\win64\m_interpreter.dll+00374879 inFunctionHandleInterface::DestroyWorkspace+00197599[ 19] 0x00000000115db7c8 D:\MATLAB 2015a\bin\win64\m_interpreter.dll+00374728 inFunctionHandleInterface::DestroyWorkspace+00197448[ 20] 0x00000000115febbd D:\MATLAB ...
_envelope = spline(local_max(:,1), local_max(:,2), linspace(min(local_max(:,1)), max(local_max(:,1)), numel(signal))); lower_envelope = spline(local_min(:,1), local_min(:,2), linspace(min(local_min(:,1)), max(local_min(:,1)), numel(signal))); mean_envelope = (...