Empty state-space model,空的状态空间模型,楼主是在用MATLAB建模吧,是不是模型有什么错误。建模首先要保证模型正确,其次对应的m文件本身也要正确,最后两者还要完美融合在一起,建立的模型才能正确运行。这个过程很容易出现问题,并且不容易寻找,比调试一个单纯的m文件程序更复杂,楼主还是耐住性子仔细...
从原理上说,State-Space模块的Initial conditions应该设置成列向量(因为状态向量x是列向量),但从实际情况看,其实是可以随便设置的,行向量或列向量都可以,甚至设置成矩阵也可以(前提是元素个数能对的上)。猜测很可能是其内部对输入数据做了强制转换成列向量的处理,即使用的是x0(:)。
回复:matlab7.0运行出现Empty state-space model. 收藏 回复 sunwei92 1L喂熊 1 有人知道没啊 sunwei92 1L喂熊 1 还有人出现过这种问题没? 天涯浪子Z 1L喂熊 1 多谢多谢,我也刚刚碰到这问题。搞了半天,不及百度一下,还是人多力量大啊!!!再次谢谢LZ及LS的各位!!! 楚国云 1L喂熊 1 改了还是...
SYS=ss(A,B,C,D)(ss:state space model)用来求出lsim函数所需的系统参数“SYS”.lsim(SYS,U,T)此函数画出LTl系统SYS对由U和T描述的输人信号的时间响应(timerespouse).时间向量T由等距的时间采样点组成,U是一个矩阵,它的列数为输入的数目,它的第i行是输人在T(i)时刻的输人值.例如,t=0:0.01:...
lti/get - Access values of LTI model properties. Conversions. tf - Conversion to transfer function. zpk - Conversion to zero/pole/ 4、gain. ss - Conversion to state space. frd - Conversion to frequency data. chgunits - Change units of FRD model frequency points. c2d - Continuous to ...
Continuous-time state-space model. >> impulse(G) impulse response >> G = tf([5 8],[1 4 6 3 3]); >> step(G) >> s = tf('s'); >> G = 143.7*(s+1.5)/((s^2+2*s+5)*(s^2+10*s+26)*(s+1.7)) G = 143.7 s + 215.5 ...
system with the same number of control inputs and the same dimension of the state-space. Importantly, linear inequality constraints on the state and control inputs as well as nonlinear constraints on the state can be imposed in a linear fashion in the proposed MPC scheme. Similarly, cost func...
s = warning(state, 'message_id') s = warning(state, mode) errorerror('msgIdent', 'msgString', v1, v2, ..., vN) error('msgString', v1, v2, ...) error('msgString') error(msgStruct) inputresult = input(prompt) (displays the prompt string on the screen, waits for input from...
settings.cal.pointPos Nx2 matrix of screen positions ([0,1] range) of calibration points, leave empty to do a zero-point calibration, i.e., use the tracker's default calibration. settings.cal.pointPosTrackerSpace Nx2 matrix of screen positions ([0,1] range) of calibration points to be ...
在tdbconnect.mexw64中,我一个调用自定义函数创建一个指针, void *handle = My_CreateHanle(); //创建一个指针 分享3赞 matlab吧 潜意识の失异 请教,matlab怎么清除并行进程池的变量示例代码如下: %% test Parfor clc,clear,close all; p = gcp('nocreate'); if isempty(p) p = parpool('local'); ...