app.ColormapDropDownLabel.Position = [117 106 59 15]; app.ColormapDropDownLabel.Text='Colormap'; % Create DropDown app.DropDown = uidropdown(app.UIFigure); app.DropDown.Items = {'Parula','Jet','Winter','Cool'}; app.DropDown.Position = [191 102 100 22]; app.DropDown.Value ='...
I've recently run into an issue when running my app that when I hover over items in the drop down menu, all of the items get highlighted but I'm not able to actually select anything when I click on it. The highlighting goes away when I move my mouse away fro...
ListBox/Drop Down 列表控件 这个控件的基本使用也很简单。 一般就是让用户点击别的按钮,然后通过app.ListBox.Value 来获取用户所选择的选项; 也可以实现【如果用户改变了选择就执行】,也就是把代码写在ValueChangedFcn里; 它的Items 都是 {} 赋值,显示在 App 上。如果 ItemsData 为空,则 Value 就是被选中的...
app.DropDown.Value值为当前选项的值,为字符串,如果是数值型的值,可以使用eval()或str2double()将字符串类型转换为数值。 app.DropDown.Items和app.DropDown.ItemsData相对应,一般不需要改变。 单选按钮组 app.ButtonGroup.SelectedObject.Value取到所选按钮的值,0(false)或1(true) 复选框 app.CheckBox2.Value...
app.Dropdown.Items = {'选项1', '选项2', '选项3'}; 这行代码需要在App Designer的代码视图中手动编写,或者在属性检查器中找到Items属性并输入相应的值。 5. 编写回调函数以响应用户的选择 你可以为下拉列表组件编写一个回调函数,以便在用户选择不同选项时执行特定的操作。在App Designer中,你可以通过双击...
app.DropDown.Items=app.InputData.Properties.VariableNames; % 设置DropDown组件下拉选项 app.ListBox.Items=app.InputData.Properties.VariableNames; % 设置ListBox组件可选项 end % Button pushed function: Button_2 function Button_2Pushed(app, event) ...
Currently MATLAB does not provide a direct way to disable individual dropdown items. You can try an alternative workaround as shown below: Add the style to the drop-down component item to change its background color to grey. s1 = uistyle("BackgroundColor","#808080")...
In your startupFnc, you can set the item property of drop-down equal to the column of the table. Here is the code for same 테마복사 function startupFcn(app) T = table({'A'; 'B'; 'C'}, {'X'; 'Y'; 'Z'}); % Drop down ite...
app.DropDown.Items={'Item-1','Item-2','Item-3','Item-4','Item-5'}; app.DropDown.ItemsData={{1,2},{3,4},{5,6},{7,8},{9,10}}; Accessing the current value of dropdown can be done as follows ThemeCopy value = app.DropDown.Value; density = value{1}; bulkModulus = va...