Execute SET(IM) to see a list of image object properties and legal property values. 常见用法 image(C) image(x,y,C) image('CData',C) image('XData',x,'YData',y,'CData',C) image(___,Name,Value) image(ax,___) im = image(___) 语法说明 image(C) 会将数组 C 中的数据显示为...
首先,MATLAB中image和imshow都可以用来图像显示,image函数的语法调用常有以下几种格式:image(A);image(x,y,A);其中,image(A)是将矩阵A 作为一个图像显示,A中的每一个元素都被指定一种颜色;image(x,y,A)其中的x,y分别表示显示图像左上角的坐标,其它与image(A)含义相同。当然image...
Example 1: How to Display an Image from an Array Using the image() Function in MATLAB? In this MATLAB code, first, we declare a 10-by-10 matrix and use theimage()function to display an image having different colors for each pixel corresponding to the values in matrix C. C = magic(1...
display the image. When set to 100, the image is displayed at 100% magnification. When set to 'fit' IMSHOW scales the entire image to fit in the window. On initial display, the entire image is visible. If the magnification value would create an image that is too large to display on t...
For example, convert map to a grayscale colormap and display the image data with the new colormap. Get newmap = cmap2gray(map); imshow(X,newmap) You can use matrix subscripting to select a single pixel from an image data matrix. The size of the image data matrix corresponds to ...
IntrinsicMatrix: [3×3 double] FocalLength: [1.3097e+03 1.3180e+03] PrincipalPoint: [671.4361 399.7834] Skew: 1.9323 RadialDistortion: [-0.4668 0.1950 -0.0949] TangentialDistortion: [-0.0026 -6.1137e-04] ImageSize: [720 1280] Camera Extrinsics ...
这个Mask可以单独在ImageJ中生成,然后通过imread导入到MATLAB中。 (2)统计运动距离 % Calculate the distance traveled between each consecutive frame for i = 2:size(mousePos, 1) % Euclidean distance between frame i and frame i-1 dist = sqrt((mousePos(i,1) - mousePos(i-1,1))^2 + (mouse...
For example, convert map to a grayscale colormap and display the image data with the new colormap. Get newmap = cmap2gray(map); imshow(X,newmap) You can use matrix subscripting to select a single pixel from an image data matrix. The size of the image data matrix corresponds to ...
? title( ‘Using Pcolor to Display a Color Map’ ) 输出见图19.1. 图19.1 用伪彩色来显示颜色映象 因为上面这一段程序很有用处,它已经装入精通MATLAB工具箱中的函数mmshow中。 ? help mmshow MMSHOW PCOLOR Colormap Display MMSHOW uses pccolor to display the current colormap. ...
display_matrix:将矩阵的值绘制为 MatLab 图形。-matlab开发Tr**er 上传3KB 文件格式 zip matlab 该程序在新生成的 Matlab 图形中显示矩阵的内容,以便于查看和打印。 图形大小、字体大小和单元格大小都根据屏幕大小和矩阵大小进行调整。 包括用于显示矩阵标题和数字格式的选项。