cell Creat cell array(创建单元格数组) cell2mat Convert cell array to numeric array(将单元格数组转换为数值数组) cell2struct Convert cell array to structure array(将单元格数组转换为结构数组) celldisp Cell array contents(显示单元格数组内容) cellfun Apply function to each cell in cell array(对单元...
An empty mxArray is one with at least one dimension equal to zero. For example, a double-precision mxArray of type double, where m and n equal 0 and pa is NULL, is an empty array. Sparse Matrices Sparse matrices have a different storage convention from full matrices in MATLAB. The ...
Matlab基本算符和表达式(参考Matlab R2014a帮助文档“Operators and Elementary Operations”、Matlab R2012a帮助文档“MATLAB/User’s Guide/Programming Fundamentals/Language/Program Components/Operators”、《MATLAB R2011a教程》第3章p130、p138、p139): ClassDescriptionArray operatorMatrix operator ArithmeticAddition+...
To specify an n-by-m matrix, set the Size property to [n m]. To specify an n-dimensional array, set the Size property to [d1 d2 ⋯ dn], where di is the size of the ith dimension. To configure a Stateflow data object to inherit its size from the corresponding Simulink signal ...
数组和矩阵是具有维度属性(dimension)的数据结构,注意这里的维 度并非统计上所说的“列”,而是一般的计算机语言中所定义的维度(数 据下标的个数)。矩阵是数组的特例,它的维度为2。数组和矩阵可以分别 由array()和matrix()函数生成。注意矩阵中所有元素必须为同一种类型,要 么全都是数值,要么全都是字符,后面我们...
bm = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(x) sum(F.*max(x-sort([x_f;x_r]),0),1),xcp,'UniformOutput',false)); % (lbf*inch)" Here's the code I was working with. You can play with the numbers and let me know which dimension is actually causing the problem a...
broken- is an integer which defines which dimension will be broken, e.g. forbroken = 2the second dimensiondim_2will be broken; it is mandatory parameter. type- is a string variable, e.g.type = 'double'to define the data type of the array; optional parameter: if omitted, then the de...
三次样条插值 pp = spline(x,Y) returns the piecewise polynomial form of the cubic spline interpolant for later use with ppval and the spline utility unmkpp. x must be a vector. Y can be a scalar, a vector, or an array of any dimension. If Y is an array that is not a...