规则一:文件名首字符不能是数字或下划线。以一个简单的绘图程序为例。其M文件被存于F盘中,并以“111”作为文件名。运行后,并没有生成图形,而在命令窗口(Command Window)中返回了数字文件名,ans=111。而改用“_111”为文件名。命令窗口就出现错误信息。使用“M111”为文件名。程序就正常运行。
Aug. 2022% Tutorial: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/550378280clear;closeall;rawVideo=VideoReader("openField.mp4");frameNum=rawVideo.NumFrames;frameRate=rawVideo.FrameRate;% define ROIWidth=300;Height=300;xPos=86;yPos=1;xRange=xPos:(xPos+Width-1);yRange=yPos:(yPos+Height-1...
%% Define multiple roots for a polynomial, in this example 4 roots at the% x value of 1.%defR = [1, 1, 1, 1];%% Compute the corresponding polynomial%polyMRs = poly( defR );%% Use roots to compute the roots of this poylnomial, this should return% exactly three 1's.%compR ...
其中p1 为最高幂项系数h = 85 162 230 289 339 381 413 437 452 458 456 440 400 356;plot(h,'+')refcurve(-4.9 100 0)3.常用作图工具3.1 plottools在输入变量后,如:x = -1:.1:1; % Define the range of xy = x.3; % Raise each element in x to the third power可输入plottools调用...
Create a simple pie chart arbitrarily, name each share through the labels function, and then use the title function to define the title name. The code is as follows: 运行结果如下: The running result is as follows: (四)绘制极坐标图(Drawing polar coordinates) ...
ratios= [range(X)/maxax, range(Y)/maxax, range(Z)/maxax]; sx= sx*ratios(1); sy= sy*ratios(2); sz= sz*ratios(3);%-- Plot spheresholdonforj=1:length(X) surf(sx*S(j)+X(j), sy*S(j)+Y(j), sz*S(j)+Z(j),...'LineStyle','none',...'FaceColor',C(j,:),......
Define bin steps and range for histogram plotting step = 0.1; range = 0:step:5;Get histogram values and approximate it to get the pdf curve h = hist(r, range);approxPDF = h/(step*sum(h)); %Simulated PDF from the x and y samples Theoritical PDF from the Rayleigh ...
maxax= max([range(X), range(Y), range(Z)]); ratios= [range(X)/maxax, range(Y)/maxax, range(Z)/maxax]; sx= sx*ratios(1); sy= sy*ratios(2); sz= sz*ratios(3); %-- Plot spheres hold on for j= 1:length(X)
x = -1:.1:1;% Define the range of x y = x.^3;% Raise each element in x to the third power 可输入plottools调用相应的作图工具;使用非常方便 4.特殊图形作图 4.1画极坐标图 t = 0:.01:2*pi; polar(t,sin(3*t).*cos(2*t),'--r') 4.2 bar图 ...
%% BASIC example 1.4 - works, but shows that it is on neither segement point = [0.9 1.4]; pathXY = [0 0; 0.5 0.2; 0.9 0.9; 1.5 0.6; 3 0]; % Define an XY path fignum = 114; % Snap the point onto the path [closest_path_point,s_coordinate,... first_path_point_index,...