其中缺少的computeColor.m链接:http://www.codeforge.cn/read/215288/computeColor.m__html function img = computeColor(u,v) % computeColor color codes flow field U, V % According to the c++ source code of Daniel Scharstein % Contact: schar@middlebury.edu % Author: Deqing Sun, Department of ...
Here are the RGB triplets and hexadecimal color codes for the default colors MATLAB uses in many types of plots. These colors do not have names associated with them. RGB TripletHexadecimal Color CodeAppearance [0 0.4470 0.7410] "#0072BD" [0.8500 0.3250 0.0980] "#D95319" [0.9290 0.6940 ...
Here are the RGB triplets and hexadecimal color codes for the default colors MATLAB uses in many types of plots. RGB TripletHexadecimal Color CodeAppearance [0 0.4470 0.7410] "#0072BD" [0.8500 0.3250 0.0980] "#D95319" [0.9290 0.6940 0.1250] "#EDB120" [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560] "#7E2F8...
Here are the RGB triplets and hexadecimal color codes for the default colors MATLAB® uses in many types of plots. RGB TripletHexadecimal Color CodeAppearance [0 0.4470 0.7410] "#0072BD" [0.8500 0.3250 0.0980] "#D95319" [0.9290 0.6940 0.1250] "#EDB120" [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560] "#7E2...
Here are the RGB triplets and hexadecimal color codes for the default colors MATLAB uses in many types of plots. RGB TripletHexadecimal Color CodeAppearance [0 0.4470 0.7410] "#0072BD" [0.8500 0.3250 0.0980] "#D95319" [0.9290 0.6940 0.1250] "#EDB120" [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560] "#7E2F8...
makergb can handle multidimensional inputs and returns the RGB triplet between 0 and 1 along the highest dimension. It returns a (customizable) default value for missing or non-interpretable input elements. Pre-defined color names comprise short and long names from Matlab's ColorSpec plus a few...
%% polarPcolor without colorbar % The colorbar is activated by default. It is possible to remove it by % using the option 'colBar'. When the colorbar is desactivated, the % outliers are not "removed" and bad scaling is clearly visible: figure(4) polarPcolor(R,Az,windSpeed,'colBar',0...
set(gcf,'DefaultLineClipping','Off'); set(0,'ShowHiddenHandles',shh); 然后点击菜单栏上的Edit,选择Copy Figure来保持波形,也可以选择Figure Properties来调整Scope的各种图形属性,包括添加标签,更改背景颜色,调整波形曲线的线型、粗细等等。 --- 网上发现的codes,可以将Figure中的图形变成透明背景的图片: set(...
x = linspace(0, 2*pi); sty = {'linewidth', 2, 'color','r', 'linestyle','--'}; plot...
set(gcf,'DefaultLineClipping','Off'); set(0,'ShowHiddenHandles',shh); 然后点击菜单栏上的Edit,选择Copy Figure来保持波形,也可以选择Figure Properties来调整Scope的各种图形属性,包括添加标签,更改背景颜色,调整波形曲线的线型、粗细等等。 --- 网上发现的codes,可以将Figure中的图形变成透明背景的图片: set(...