gca返回当前坐标系句柄,gco返回当前选择对象句柄,一般习惯在存储句柄的变量名后面加上H; 更改对象属性:get、set,指定属性名即可,也可以使用属性编辑器完成这一过程(propedit,对于最终用户),除了标准属性外,用户也可添加任意数量的自定义属性数据到文件中(用函数setappdata和getappdata)。 查找属性值匹配的任意对象:fin...
资产定价matlabdata processing VIXforecastingandvarianceriskpremium:AnewGARCHapproach —Liu,Q.,etal.第7小组实证测验部分 Empirical测度下的GARCH(1,1)参数估计及相应的eVIX的计算 由于计算量巨大,本研究只对GARCH(1,1),挑取VIX全部历史数据中的一部分,对最近一个交易年度的数据进行对比研究,具体来说,就是2014/...
3、Data processing ability is relatively powerful. MATLAB is a collection containing a large number of computational algorithms. It has more than 600 mathematical operation functions used in projects, which can easily realize various calculation functions required by users. The algorithms used in the f...
Learn about MATLAB for Data Processing and Visualization, a self-paced online course that examines how to automate the processing, analysis, and visualization of data from multiple sources.
Do you have data that is too large to fit into available memory? Or perhaps you would like to speed up data analysis tasks using additional hardware such as additional CPUs or GPUs? In this webinar, you will learn techniques for working with large data in MATLAB® and approaches to ...
Deep Learning Data preparation, design, simulation, and deployment for deep neural networks Image Processing and Computer Vision Acquire, process, and analyze images and video for algorithm development and system design Predictive Maintenance Develop and deploy condition monitoring and predictive maintenance ...
DataVisualizationIn this paper, an example is given about data processing of one class final test; the superior capability of data visualization and the powerful capability of data processing in MATLAB are presented.XIA ChuanwuSchool of Mathematics and Physics, Xuzhou Institute of Engineering, P.R....
Signal Processing Toolbox 信号处理工具箱 DSP System ToolboxDSP 系统工具箱 Communications System Tool...
% use this function to perform custom processing of the previewed image % data. If 'UpdatePreviewWindowFcn' is configured to [] (the default), % PREVIEW ignores it. If it is configured to any value other than a % function handle or [], PREVIEW errors. ...