下拉菜单功能 NewM-file新建一个M文件,打开M文件编辑/调试器 Figure新建一个图形窗口 Model新建一个仿真模型 GUI新建一个图形用户设计界面(GUI) Open...打开已有文件 Close Command History关闭历史命令窗口 Import Data...导入其他文件的数据 Save Workspace as...使用二进制的MAT文件保存工作空间的内容 Page Setup...
常用的新建GUI方法有两个: Command Window输入guide—>Create New GUI; Home—>New—>Graphical User Interface; 注意:勾选“Sace new figure as:”,可选择存储路径,并对文件命名。 这里我们选择默认的“Blank GUI(Default)”,点击“OK”,便可进入, 本文主要用到以下几个选框: GUI框架搭建 本文为基础内容,框架...
x = linspace(-pi, pi, 100); y = linspace(-pi, pi, 100); % Create a grid of x and y values [X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y); % Compute the function z=sin(x)*cos(y) Z = sin(X).*cos(Y); % Create a new figure figure(); % Plot the function using surf function surf(X, Y...
figure; % 新建图窗 s = plot(x, y); % 画图 set(s,'LineWidth', 1); % 设置图像线宽为1 title('Example-Title') % 设置图像标题 % set(gca,'FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',12); %调整坐标轴字体字号 xlabel('\fontname{宋体}\fontsize{14}时间\fontname{Times New Roman}\fontsiz...
Create figure window collapse all in pageSyntax figure figure(Name,Value) f = figure(___) figure(f) figure(n)Description figure creates a new figure window using default property values. The resulting figure is the current figure. figure(Name,Value) modifies properties of the figure using one...
Toplottheexamplevectorsaboveinanewfigure: clearall %clearallpreviousvariables X=[3927];%mydependentvectorofinterestt=[123]; %myindependentvector figure %createnewfigureplot(t,X) LabelingAxes Togivetheabovefigureatitleandaxislabels: title(‘PlotofDistanceoverTime’) %titleylabel(‘Distance(m)’) %la...
Create, design, test, and verify wireless communications systems See all applications Select a Web Site Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. Based on your location, we recommend that you select:中国. ...
, 然后单击曲线上需要标记的点即可. 如果想额外再多标记几个点, 则先右击Figure区域, 选择Create New Datatip, 然后再单击待标记的点. 如果想删除某个标记点, 右击那个点, 选择Delete Current Datatip.
·New选项包括Script、Function、Class、Figure、Variable、Model、GUI和Deployment Project八个选项。单击Script选项打开M文件编辑器;单击Function选项打开一个函数编辑器模板;单击Class选项打开一个类编辑器模板;单击Figure选项打开一个空白的图形窗口;单击Variable选项打开工作空间窗口;单击Model选项打开创建新模型的窗口;单击GU...
% create figure so we can witness the magic axishandle = createFigure(field,costchart,startposind,goalposind); % as long as we have not found the goal or run out of spaces to explore while ~max(ismember(setOpen,goalposind)) && ~isempty(setOpen) ...