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matlab::data::NumberOfElementsExceedsMaximumException Number of elements is greater thansize_t. Examples Create a two element cell array containing anstd::stringand a double. #include "MatlabDataArray.hpp" int main() { using namespace matlab::data; ArrayFactory f; CellArray myArray = f.crea...
Z = zeros(m, n); Here, Z is the output array of size m-by-n filled with zeros. The function can also take additional arguments to create arrays with more than two dimensions.For example:Z = zeros(m, n, p, ...); This creates a multidimensional array with dimensions m, n, p, ...
endif(fid == -1) error('Failed to create registry file') end%Write intial lines fprintf(fid,'%s\r\n\r\n','Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00'); fprintf(fid,'%s\r\n\r\n',
%CreatesamplenumericarraysofyearvaluesYanddayvaluesD.Inthiscase, themonthvalueMisa scalar. Y=[2014;2013;2012]; M=01; D=[31;30;31];%Createthe datetime array. t=datetime(Y,M,D)%Specify a custom display formatforthe output,usingthe Format name-valuepair argument. ...
{fprintf(stderr,“\nCan‘t start MATLAB engine\n”); return EXIT_FAILURE;} P=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,4,mxREAL); mxSetClassName(P,“p”); memcpy((char *)mxGetPr(P),(char *)poly, 4*sizeof(double)); engPutVariable(ep,P); engOutputBuffer(ep,buffer,300); engEvalString(ep,“disp([...
[1 1200 1 1200]); axis off; riverPath = posXY_Array; end % function 04 --> function imgMat_2dMap = printRiver(imgMat_2dMap, riverPath) [m n] = size(imgMat_2dMap); for i = 1:length(riverPath) tmpXY = riverPath(i,:); tmpX = tmpXY(1); tmpY = tmpXY(2); tmpRowID ...
(5)打开历史命令窗口(Command History),如图1.27所示,选择上面的4行命令,单击鼠标右键,在快捷菜单中选择“Create M-File”命令生成M文件。(6)出现M文件编辑/调试器窗口(Editor/Debugger),如图1.28所示。在第一行添加注释语句“%MATLAB Desktop Example”,单击工具栏的“Save”按钮,将该文件保存为“c:\MyDir\Ex...
图1.22 工作空间窗口 双击其中的变量“d,出现数组编辑器窗口(array editor),图1.23显示了该变量的详细信息。图1.23 数组编辑器窗口 打开历史命令窗口(command history),如图1。24所示,选择上面的四行命令,单击鼠标右键在快捷菜单中选择“create m-file”命令生成m文件。图1.24 历史命令窗口 出现m文件编辑调试器窗口(...
n = 20; % field size n x n tiles wallpercent = 0.45; % this percent of field is walls % create the n x n FIELD with wallpercent walls containing movement costs, % a starting position STARTPOSIND, a goal position GOALPOSIND, the costs ...