1 Matlab中图像数据类型转换:MATLAB中读入图像的数据类型是uint8,但在矩阵运算中的数据类型是double;因此I2 = im2double(I1) :把图像数组uint8 类型(I1)转换成double精度类型;如果不转换,在对uint8进行加减时会产生溢出,可能提示的错误为:Function '*' is not defined for values of class &#...
When MATLAB Returns:Dimension of Data in MATLAB is:MATLAB Data Converts To Java Type: int8,uint8{1,1}byte,java.lang.Byte {1,n} , {n,1}byte[n],java.lang.Byte[n] {m,n,p,...}byte[m][n][p]... ,java.lang.Byte[m][n][p]... ...
% Now convert it to uint8. It will clip values outside the range 0-255, and will round values in the range. G = uint8(G); Quan Zhengon 21 Feb 2024 Hi, I have ran into a issue a bit tougher than this. Now I have a 'double' file contains water saturations with 4 decimal po...
char:Convert to character array,转换为字符数组;matlab 下没有 str 字符串类型转换; char(0-255) ⇒ ASCII 码的转换; im2double(): 将intensity image (0-255,uint8 的整型类型)转换为 0-1 的 double 类型(double precision,双精度); 0. ismatrix() ismatrix 对于三维的矩阵返回值为 logical false。...
x=1;y=y+blocksize;elsex=x+blocksize;endwaitbar(kk/max_message,h);endclose(h);% convert to uint8 and write the watermarked image out to a filewatermarked_image_int=uint8(watermarked_image);% 显示嵌入水印图像imshow(watermarked_image_int,[]),title('嵌入水印图像')imwrite(watermarked_image_...
2、uble - Convert to double precision. char - Create character array (string). logical - Convert numeric values to logical. cell - Create cell array. struct - Create or convert to structure array. single - Convert to single precision. uint8 - Convert to unsigned 8-bit integer. uint16 -...
sub_MATLAB= uint8(sub_matlab); % convert the data to uint8 figure,imshow(sub_matlab,'InitialMagnification',100); % show the new image 在命令窗口中运行该脚本,输出图形如图13-2所示。 (a) (b) 图13-2 例13-3 的运行结果 该例中涉及到了少量的图像处理内容,超出本书的范围,感兴趣的读者可以查...
sub_MATLAB= uint8(sub_matlab); % convert the data to uint8 figure,imshow(sub_matlab,'InitialMagnification',100); % show the new image 在命令窗口中运行该脚本,输出图形如图13-2所示。 (a) (b) 图13-2 例13-3 的运行结果 该例中涉及到了少量的图像处理内容,超出本书的范围,感兴趣的读者可以查...
matlab 类型转换(类型判断) 2016-11-30 16:46 −char:Convert to character array,转换为字符数组;matlab 下没有 str 字符串类型转换; char(0-255) ⇒ ASCII 码的转换; im2double(): 将 intensity image (0-255,uint8 的整型类型... 未雨愁眸 0 298 <123>...
1 输入映像可以是uint8、uint16、single、int16或double类,并且必须是不透明的。输出图像BW是类逻辑的。I和X必须是二维的。RGB图像是M乘N乘3的。Examples(示例)1 load treesBW = im2bw(X,map,0.4);imshow(X,map), figure, imshow(BW)命令行键入:load treesBW = im2bw(X,map,0.4);imshow(X,map)...