Complex Migration Example Not all MathScript function names map directly to corresponding MATLAB function names. Consider the conversion of a more complex example.The example below utilizes MathScript functions from the MathScript RT module. If you have the module, you can find the file in <LabVIE...
Complex Migration Example Not all MathScript function names map directly to corresponding MATLAB function names. Consider the conversion of a more complex example.The example below utilizes MathScript functions from the MathScript RT module. If you have the module, you can find the file in <LabVIE...
双击空白处并键入Complex to Magnitude-Angle HDL Optimized,以及Real-Imag to Complex完成上图的模型搭建。双击CORDIC模型,来配置参数如下: 我们只要求角度,所以Output format选择Angle,Angle format随便选,此处我们选Normalized,意思是[\pi,-\pi]会被归一化至[-1,1]。Number of iterations source选择Auto,所需iterat...
ii) Conversion to one-file (.nii) or two-file (.img, .hdr) NIfTI format (one per scan), reformatting more complex scans to use up to six dimensions of the NIfTI structure (time-points, echo, RF channel, phase/magnitude, diffusion gradient, etc). Also writes both DICOM header info ...
enum2val-Convertsanenumeratedstringtoitsnumericalequivalent. num2cell-Convertnumericcodistributedarrayintocellarray num2str-overloadedforgpuArrays num2mstr-Convertnumbertostringinmaximumprecision. iptnum2ordinal-Convertpositiveintegertoordinalstring. num2ordinal-Convertpositiveintegertoordinalcharactervector. ...
% MyTree.Complex_2x2 = complex([1 2;3 4],[2 2;7 7]); % 2D matrix of complex numbers % MyTree.Sparse_9x9 = sparse(1:9,1:9,1); % sparse 9x9 matrix % MyTree.Function = @sum; % function handle % xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree); ...
Complex Numbers Complex numbers have both real and imaginary parts, where the imaginary unit is the square root of –1. sqrt(-1) ans = 0.0000 + 1.0000i To represent the imaginary part of complex numbers, use eitheriorj. c = [3+4i, 4+3j; -i, 10j] ...
% line_power函数:用于计算支路功率 function Sij = line_power( n,y,U,cita ) for i=1:n U1(i)=complex(U(i)*cos(cita(i)),U(i)*sin(cita(i))); for j=1:n U1(j)=complex(U(j)*cos(cita(j)),U(j)*sin(cita(j))); Sij(i,j)=U1(i)*conj((U1(i)-U1(j))*y(i,j)); ...
%AWGN Add white Gaussian noise to a signal. % Y = AWGN(X,SNR) adds white Gaussian noise to X. The SNR is in dB. % The power of X is assumed to be 0 dBW. If X is complex, then % AWGN adds complex noise. % % Y = AWGN(X,SNR,SIGPOWER) when SIGPOWER is numeric, it repre...
%convert to complex floats%% Run front processing functiontic;result_bin = process_compress(samples,samp_rate);process_runime = toc; % Benchmark 3 - Processing timeresult_bin_is_bin = isa(result_bin,'uint8'); % Check if the result is a byte array%% Save result binary to file and mea...