text = string(fileread('E:\matlab\bin\work\研究生\微信公众号\20211106\优美文章.txt')); %删除符号 %delete puchuation punctuationCharacters = ["." "?" "!" "," ";" ":" ]; text = replace(text,punctuationCharacters," "); %转变为字符向量%convert a string to array words = split(join...
1×1 cell array {3×1 cell} Z{1}{1} = a Z{1}{2} = b Z{1}{3} = 3 CHADCHAVIN's answer doesnotgive a cell array withthreecells (each one containing a substring). It givesonecell (not 3) and it simply put the string into the one cell. Not what was asked for. ...
Please I want to convert this array to an array. if I use str2double I obtain those starting 0.something as NAN. please help ' 0. 9' ' 0. 9' ' 1. 2' ' 1. 4' ' 1.14' ' 1.39' ' 1.42' ' 1.45' ' 1.46' ' 1.59'
If the string S does not represent a valid scalar value, STR2DOUBLE(S) returns NaN.(转换失败返回NaN) X = STR2DOUBLE(C) convertsthe strings in the cell arrayof strings C to double. The matrix X returned will be the same size as C. NaN will be returned for any cell which is not a ...
BIN2NUM Binary string to numeric array conversion X = BIN2NUM(Q,B) converts binary string B to numeric matrix X. The attributes of the number are specified by quantizer object Q. If B is a cell array containing binary strings, then X will be a cell array of the ...
Words; % Convert to string scalar. words(ismember(words,[startToken stopToken])) = []; str = join(words); end 翻译文本函数 函数translateText将编码器和解码器网络、输入字符串以及源词和目标词编码作为输入,并返回翻译后的文本。 function strTranslated = translateText(netEncoder,net...
% Converts the contents of a cell array of strings into a character % array. The contents of the cell C are read element-wise and % converted into a char array of length MAXCOL where MAXCOL is % the length of the longest string inside the array. ...
I need to convert a string of hexidecimal numbers to an array of dec numbers. The string can potentially contain incomplete hex numbers at the beginning and end of the string. See examples below. I'm trying to use this in a data acquisition setup...so execution time could be a factor....
Failed to convert from text to date number. i can convert the single string but not the array of strings 댓글 수: 6 이전 댓글 4개 표시 Stephen23 2023년 5월 23일 편집: Stephen23 2023년 5월 23일 MATLAB Online에서 열기 Ran in: "What do ...