元胞数组ContourData中的每个元素指定一个轴向切片中边界点的xy坐标。'Brain Tumor'ROI 由 56 个封闭的平面轮廓组成。 rtContours.ROIsans=1×5tableNumberNameContourDataGeometricTypeColor___1{'Brain Tumor'}{56×1cell}{56×1cell}{3×1double} 使用plotContours对象函数绘制'Brain Tumor'ROI 的轮廓。
%mask(Y1:Y2,X1:X2),(X1,Y1)为矩形左上角,(X1,Y2)为矩形右下角 mask(25:end-25,25:end-25) = 1;%调整mask区域,x轴为(25~X_max_size-25),y轴为(25~Y_max_size-25)的区域赋值为1(纯白) figure,imshow(mask)%显示mask图像 title('Initial Contour Location')%添加标签 %%使用默认方法的300...
You have a mask and a (assumed) grayscale image. Here are three ways: % a grayscale image and a logical mask of the same geome... 3 months ago | 1 Answered Can I digitized color map into contour values according to it color bar?
GetContoursis a Matlab-based platform that provides straightforward click-and-drag positioning of reference points controlling a cubic spline fit to a displayed ultrasound image of the midsagittal tongue surface. This fit – the “contour” – provides a discretized representation of the tongue suitabl...
mask = r >= 1; pwu(mask) = F3(mask); U = subs(pwu, {l, m}, {1.5, 3});holdon contour(X,Y,abs(double(U)),30) axisequal xlabel('r','FontSize',14); ylabel('phi','FontSize',14); But I get the error that there too many input arguments. If I remove "double" from ...
I found the code below on matlab newsreader,, can I do it to RGB image?, if it possible to do,, can you help me how to fill contour with specified color on an RGB image??? need help,,,urgent,,, here is the code: fontSize = 15; ...
(x+i.*y); contour(x,y,real(z)); title(contour figure); xlabel(X); ylabel(Y); zlabel(Z); 6.12 Command lines and results str=input(Please input a string:,s); m=findstr(str,a); n=size(m); fprintf(Appearred %d times !,n(2)); Please input a string:and me aaa Appearred 4...
Computes an anti-aliased mask from a polygon, like poly2mask but then accurate anti aliased 10 months ago | 4 downloads | Submitted Isocontour Find ISO-contour geometry in a 2D image using marching-squares, and sort the contour objects 10 months ago | 6 downloads | Submitted html2docx...
% 定义 x 变量 , % 从 0 开始 , 每次递增 0.1 , 到 2 * pi 结束 % 坐标系中 x 点的个...