(m, "PWM", "ExactMatch", true) ans=1×9 table ChannelName ChannelGroupNumber ChannelGroupNumSamples ChannelGroupAcquisitionName ChannelGroupComment ChannelDisplayName ChannelUnit ChannelComment ChannelDescription ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___...
the pattern "RHeelCirc1". Hence two perfectly correct matches of that pattern. The fact that one of them happens to exactly match that pattern is totally irrelevant (but is what you apparently expect, given your invalid comparison against the output of ISMEMBER).Because...
These are called nested functions. A nested function contains any or all of the components of any other function.Nested functions are defined within the scope of another function and they share access to the containing function's workspace.A nested function follows the following syntax −...
Performance Performance repmat with numeric, char, and logical types The performance of the repmat function improves when the input array contains numeric, char, or logical values. Linear algebra functions on computers with new AMD processors The performance of the linear algebra functions improves on...
If you know all the datetimes have 10:00:00 time components and you're just matching dates, timetable subscripting does that directly. Of course, if you're concerned about wanting non-exact matches (e.g. to match things that occur on the same date but not the same time), then...
A single custom class can contain multiple superclass function overrides in its protected methods body, but make sure that there is an exact match between the function overrides and the function scripts included in your custom class folder. Keeping test manage...
sduprey/optimal_transaction_execution - This entry contains two topics The first item is entirely based on the following paper: http://sfb649.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/papers/pdf/SFB649DP2011-056.pdf It contains 2 MATLAB demonstrating script : DATA_preprocessing.m & VAR_modeling_script.m DATA_preproc...
I'm trying to replicate something in python that a peer did in MATLAB which is plot the PSD for a mouse eeg. However, when logging and then plotting the data the exact same way in using the welch function in python, the shape of the graph is identical but y-axis values are completely...
The file contains column labels which define the measured value and x,y,z parameters. My initial guesses for the values of a1,a2,a3,a4 are defined as a row vector: [0,0,0,0]. I would like to learn how to set this problem up using MultiStart a...
cu file (if it contains one or more kernel functions). (Note that if using an integrated development environment, you might have to instruct it not to delete .ptx files when finishing the build; for example Visual Studio 2010 requires that the flag--keep is used.) The second argument can...