z =complex(3,4); 这将创建一个复数z,其实部为3,虚部为4。 无论你选择哪种方法,MATLAB都会将输入的复数存储为两个元素的数组,第一个元素是实部,第二个元素是虚部。你可以使用real和imag函数来提取复数的实部和虚部。例如: matlab复制代码 realPart =real(z);% 提取实部 imagPart =imag(z);% 提取虚部 在...
ceil:往更大的数取整。 complex:复数类型。 real:复数的实部。 imag:复数的虚部。 abs:复数的模长。 angle:复数的幅角。 conj:复数的共轭复数。 有关逻辑运算 true:真。 false:假。 logical:把数转换成逻辑类型。 &(and):与 |(or):或 ~(not):非 xor:异或 any:任意 all:所有 ==(eq):等于 ~=(nq...
This function combines two numeric inputs into a complex output, making the first input real and the second imaginary: x = rand(3) * 5; y = rand(3) * -8; z = complex(x, y) z = 4.7842 -1.0921i 0.8648 -1.5931i 1.2616 -2.2753i 2.6130 -0.0941i 4.8987 -2.3898i 4.3787 -3.7538i ...
1. When you try to take the real part and then raise it to the power of 1/4, it might not work as expected due to the complex nature of the expression. 2. The error in the for loop is likely due to the way you are trying to index and assign values to 'u'. Since 'u' ...
1j in MATLAB is a complex number with a real part of 0 and an imaginary part of 1. It can be written as 1j or 1i, depending on your preference. Complex numbers are useful for representing quantities that have both magnitude and direction, such as vectors or phasors. To create a comple...
If you want to plot the real part of a vector versus the complex part, pass the vector as a single complex vector to the PLOT function. If you want to plot the magnitude of the elements, use the ABS function on the vector before passing it to th...
求傅里叶变换的模,我们都知道傅里叶变换后的结果为复数,包含real实部和imag虚部,而abs就是求复数的模,经过这一步,F的类型由复数的double变成了实数的double,如果没有这一步, matlab会给出提示,Warning: Displaying real part of complex input.最终输出的结果如下。
Johnathan is seeking help with implementing a complex equation into MATLAB's curve fitting toolbox. If you have experience with curve fitting or MATLAB, your input could be invaluable! Popular Discussions Duffing equation : Transition to Chaos by Athanasios Paraskevopoulos Athanasios continues his expl...
Generative AI フォロー サインインして参加する imad 最後のアクティビティ: 2025 年 2 月 14 日 16:42 The Future of Simulink in MATLAB Simulinkhas been an essential tool for modeling and simulating dynamic systems in MATLAB. With the continuous advancements in AI, automation, and real-time...
n=randn(1,N)+sqrt(-1)*randn(1,N); % additive white gaussian noise (complex) n=n/norm(n)*10^(-dB/20)*norm(x); % scale noise power x1=x+n; % received noisy signal %estimation using CMA K=N-L; %% Discard initial samples for avoiding 0's and negative ...