在MATLAB中,将complex double(复数双精度类型)转换为double(双精度浮点类型)通常意味着要从复数中提取其实部或虚部,因为double类型只能表示实数。以下是根据不同需求,从complex double到double的几种转换方法: 只保留复数的实部: 如果你只关心复数的实部,可以使用real函数。例如: matlab z = 3 + 4i; % 定义一个...
But, the code give me 'complex double' type. I don't know why? I need to convert fetrain1 from 'complex double' type into 'double' type, so I can use the variable for the next step. Or another way to covert 'struct' exactly to 'double' type. ...
数值矩阵在matlab的工作区一般有两种,一种是double(双精度浮点数),还有一种就是table(表格)类型 double类型可以分为double和double(complex)。double就是实数,double(complex)就是复数(a+bi)。 举例说明:double类型的矩阵A= double(complex)类型的矩阵B= 此处的table类型矩阵其实特指的是从表格文件中读取出的矩阵,...
% [fiturtrain] = double (gl); [fiturtrain] = cell2mat (gl); fetrain1 = [fetrain1 fiturtrain]; % vectorname = strcat(file_name,'_array.mat'); end save ('fetrain1.mat','fetrain1'); But, the code give me 'complex double' type. I don't know why? I need to convert fetrai...
The Bytes used shown above is an accurate reflection of the fact that there are 999999 double 0's physically stored in memory for the y variable imaginary part in addition to the one complex element, but there is no such imaginary storage used for the x variable. So, behind the scenes th...
Hi I am trying to make a map (Q). Everything goes well except for the section that delatR2_st = deltaR2_star .^(2/3); where this command creates a double complex matrix, and I dont want it to be complex. And this creates an error for the last command where I try...