model.MC.depositionCriteria.minMediumIdxToConsider,model.MC.depositionCriteria.maxMediumIdxToConsider[-] The minimum and maximum medium index that the above deposition criteria apply to. For example, if you've specified minScatterings = 2, minMediumIdxToConsider = 4 and maxMediumIdxToConsider = 5...
minMediumIdxToConsider = 4 and maxMediumIdxToConsider = 5, then only photons that have experienced at least 2 scattering events in media 4 and/or 5 will deposit their weight in the output arrays and register as photon paths. It doesn't matter how many scattering events have happened in ot...
(test environment MATLAB 64-Bit R2016b, Windows 10 Spring Creator Update 1803)along with many exclusive new features and useful functions. It is ready to use right out-of-the-box. It provides propagation algorithm command usingMATLAB MEXW64and supportsintrapulse Raman scattering&...
The goal of this project is to exercise the basic parts of a FDTD code in the simplest system. Index Terms— 1D FDTD, Gaussian Pulse. I. INTRODUCTION T HE ?nite difference time domain (FDTD) method has been used extensively in the modelling of electromagnetic wave scattering from complex ...
Imaging spectroscopy acquires imagery in hundreds or more narrow contiguous spectral bands. This offers unprecedented information for archaeological research. To extract the maximum of useful archaeological information from it, however, a number of probl
applied sciences Article RBS Channeling MATLAB Application for Automated Measurement Control and Evaluation for 6MV Tandetron Accelerator Maximilian Stremy 1,* , Dusan Horvath 1, Dusan Vana 1, Michal Kebisek 2 , Gabriel Gaspar 3 , Pavol Bezak 1 and Robert Riedlmajer 1 1 Faculty of Materials ...