我自己总结了,大概有两种方法:一种是借助工具,可以用Matlab/simulink自带的code generator,生成C/C++代码。优势:自动生成,不用编程;劣势:算法只是整个系统或产品的一部分代码,需要将自己的算法代码融入整个工程,代码兼容,问题bug稍微略微麻烦点。编程,尤其是做加法,问题总是要多一点; Simulink搭建的控制算法如何变成真...
To produce custom C/C++ types, the code generator uses predefined data types in the header filetmwtypes.h, located infullfile(matlabroot,'extern','include'). The code generator can also produce custom data types based on analysis of your MATLAB code. Custom data types are defined in the fi...
CodeGenerator代码生成器,指定为八进制数的K乘N矩阵、多项式字符向量的K乘N单元阵列或K乘N字符串阵列。CodeGenerator为编码器的K个输入比特流中的每一个指定N个输出连接。 通俗理解这两个参数的含义和作用,首先约束长度决定了再译码时候的回溯深度的大小,根据不同的编码速率有不同的关系,技术文档中对此有介绍: 根据...
Software is inherently complex and is not free of errors. The output of a code generator might contain bugs, some of which are not detected by a compiler. MathWorks reports critical known bugs brought to its attention on its Bug Report system atwww.mathworks.com/support/bugreports/. In the ...
Code generator failed to produce C++ destructor for MATLAB class 'y'. Generated code is not exception-safe. To enable generation of C++ destructor, disable 'Generate Re-entrant code (MultiInstanceCode)' configuration parameter. This message might appear if both these conditions are true: ...
% Gpoly : matrix containing code generator polynomials in octal format % % K constraint length of the code % M maximum No of shift register (per input bits) % k number of bits in into encoder % n number of bits out of encoder
5、Project Manager->工程名+IDE配置,Code Generator配置,生成工程代码 3.3.2.应用层与底层的接口开发 Speed_Ref用于设定目标转速;Duty[3]用于接收恒压频比控制算法生成的三相电压,该三相电压作为调制波,TIM1计数器(中央计数模式)作为载波,频率20KHz与Simulink仿真设计一致。调制波与载波进行调制生成PWM,控制三相逆变电...
1、poly2trellis的参数应该怎么设置?首先,卷机编码码率是3/4,3是指输入比特流的数目K;4是输出比特流的数目N 其二,明确poly2trellis()是什么函数,该函数是将卷积码多项式转换为网格函数,其使用格式 trellis = poly2trellis(ConstraintLength,CodeGenerator)这里,ConstraintLength—约束长度,Code...
Kawabata, H., Suzuki, M., Kitamura, T. (2004). A MATLAB-Based Code Generator for Sparse Matrix Computations. In: Chin, WN. (eds) Programming Languages and Systems. APLAS 2004. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3302. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540...
This section contains comments and tokens for use in generating a custom function banner that precedes a generated C or C++ function. If you omit the function banner section from the CGT file, the code generator does not generate function banners. The function banner section provided in the defa...