t=-10:0.01:10;ya=stepfun(t,0);plot(t,ya);holdon;k=-10:10;yd=stepfun(k,0);stem(k,yd);xlabel('t / k');ylabel('f(t) / f[k]');title('unit step signal'); 图形: 这里我把两张图画在一起了,蓝色的代表连续信号,橙色的代表离散信号。代码中 t 表示连续时间,k 表示离散取样,下...
Discrete Unit Step Signal (根据Concept):本程序根据教科书Definition描述了Unit Step Signal的生成-matlab开发血蛊**ux 上传2KB 文件格式 zip matlab 该程序将有助于演示“离散时间单位步长信号”的概念 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 ...
clc;close all;clear all;n=input('Enter the interval for which you want to get unit step signal: - ');d=input('Enter the delayed (+ve no. ) or advanced ( -ve no. ):- ');x1=-5:0.01:5;unitstep_CT=zeros(size(x1));unitstep_CT(x1>=0+(d))=1;plot(x1,unitstep_CT,'b','...
faceDetector=vision.CascadeObjectDetector();%检测人脸 bbox=step(faceDetector,img);%显示检测结果imshow(img);hold on;fori=1:size(bbox,1)rectangle('Position',bbox(i,:),'EdgeColor','r','LineWidth',2);endtitle('Face Detection'); 5.3 信号处理与控制系统 MATLAB在信号处理和控制系统领域的应用非常...
The above code defines v(t). I hope you should proceed with the other questions.y
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Private Training can be tailored to your organization’s needs and delivered virtually or onsite at your facility. Learn more Self-Paced Flexible online courses provide hands-on exercises with step-by-step instruction and automated feedback.
muW Step size Red Reference signal Matrix [J x N] Dir Disturbance Matrix [M x N] %% Multichannel FxLMS algorithm %---Wc [Filter length x Control unit/ microphone x Reference microphone number] %---Sec[Filter length x Error number x Speaker number] a = Multichannel_FxLMS(Wc,Sec,muW)...
Due to the inherently parallel nature of many image processing algorithms, they are well suited for implementation on a graphics processing unit (GPU), and consequently we can expect a substantial speedup from such an implementation over code running on a CPU. However, despite the fact that GPUs...
19、eati ng Seque nceln terpolated重复序列内插值Repeat ing Seque nee Stair重复阶梯序列Signal Builder信号创建器Signal Gen erator信号发生器,可产生正弦、方波、锯齿波 及随意波Si ne Wave正弦波信号Step阶跃信号Uniform Ran dom Number一致随机数14.用户自定义函数模块User-Defined Functions名称功能说明Embedded M...