Sneha Rani2015년 10월 30일 0 링크 번역 댓글:Image Analyst2020년 12월 24일 entire matlab code for fast switching based mean-median filter for high density salt and pepper noise removal. 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오. ...
pred = predict(Theta1, Theta2, X); fprintf('\nTraining Set Accuracy: %f\n', mean(double(pred == y)) * 100); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 吴恩达提供了predict.m,但我在ex3写的同样可以使用,那我肯定贴我的: function p = predict(Theta1, Theta2, X) %PREDICT Predict the label of an in...
% 求解向量平均值/中位数 mean / median(v) % 求解矩阵各行、各列元素平均值/中位数 mean / median(A,dim) dim == 1:求解各列元素平均值/中位数 dim == 2:求解各列元素平均值/中位数 % 求解矩阵所有元素平均值/中位数 mean / median(A(:)) % 数据中存在缺失值 mean / median(A,dim,'omit...
Deep Learning Networks: Generate code for YOLOX network Share Generate code for averagePooling2dLayer with mean padding Generate code with learnables compression in bfloat16 format Generate code for the maxpool and avgpool dlarray functions Generate code for the dlconv function Improved performance fo...
code for garch-in-mean matlab (1) Y_t+1 = a + b*Var_t(Y_t+1) + e_t+1; (2) Var_t(Y_t+1) = w + alpha*((e_t)^2) + beta*Var_t-1(Y_t); where: Y is a series of returns, Var is the conditional variance of the returns, e are the residuals, a, b, w, ...
(:,1:lenx-m*tau); dataMat = dataMat-mean(dataMat); % Counting similar patterns using distance calculation d = pdist(dataMat','chebychev'); % Summing over the counts phi(p) = sum(fun(d,r)); end fuzzyEn = log(phi(1)/phi(2))/log(logx); end function y = default(x,r) if ...
for i=1:dataSize [~,Label(i)]=max(membership(:,i)); end Resnet = cell(1,3); Resnet{1} = Phi(Label==1); Resnet{2} = Phi(Label==2); Resnet{3} = Phi(Label==3); meanOF = [mean(Resnet{1}) mean(Resnet{2}) mean(Resnet{3})]; ...
feature(3)=mean(signalnew); %特征3 mean feature(4)=var(signalnew); %特征4 方差 feature(5)=std(signalnew); %特征5 均方根 set(handles.edit1,'String',num2str(feature(1))); set(handles.edit2,'String',num2str(feature(2)));
摘要:针对航空Morse Code无线通信系统存在的误码率高及相互协同困难的难题,提出一种基于MATLAB的新的“滤波、二值化、差分、去除零元素”译码算法,设计了一种新的航空摩尔斯无线通信用软件译码器,并以单词 “Hello” 译码为例,进行调试运行。通过Morse Code码报文, 使用点与划组合表征字符,且具唯一性, 定义一组英...