代码如下: fhs=findall(0,'Type','figure');%找到所有图片的句柄save([datestr(now,30)'.mat'])Warning:Figure is saved in20220312T154315.mat.Saving graphics handle variables can cause the creation of very large files.To save graphics figures,use savefig.clear fhssave([datestr(now,30)'.mat']...
clc:清除command window的所有显示 close all : close all figures clear:清除workspace所存储的所有变量信息和计算结果(慎用,不可逆) clear var:清除指定变量var who:显示在workspace所存储的变量 whos:显示在workspace所存储的变量的详细信息 1.2.1 矩阵行的输入 行向量的表示:a = [1 2 3] #(数字之间用空格隔...
% test script to test PST function clc % clear screen clear all % clear all variables close all % close all figures % import original image Image_orig=imread('lena_gray_512.tif'); % if image is a color image, convert it to grayscale try Image_orig=rgb2gray(Image_orig); catch end %...
clr performs: clear all; close all; clc; This clears your workspace, closes all figures, and clears command window. clr is a quick way to "reset" Matlab. The only point of this function is to save key strokes. If you use Matlab often and you value your time, then this function may...
(f_ori,final_Label); BW = boundarymask(final_Label); Lseg_line = imoverlay(fs,BW,'red');figure,imshow(Lseg_line); %% drawing figures figure,plot(gamma,'s') hold on plot(gamma(1:cluster_n),'s','MarkerFaceColor','r','Linewidth',2.5,'MarkerEdgeColor','r') % clustering centers are...
In everyday life, figures can be seen everywhere. An important direction of character recognition is number recognition. Using the recognition principle as a reference, when the computer can automatically complete the digital recognition as human eyes, it will reduce the pressure for manual ...
%% Start of script addpath('quaternion_library'); % include quaternion library close all; % close all figures clear; % clear all variables clc; % clear the command terminal %% Import and plot sensor data load('ExampleData.mat'); figure('Name', 'Sensor Data'); axis(1) = subplot(3,1...
close all; clear all; clc; addpath(genpath('./')); %% Plan path disp('Planning ...'); map = load_map('maps/map4.txt', 0.1, 0.5, 0.25); start = { [1 7 1]}; stop = {[0.1 17 3]}; %start = {[0 1 5]}; %stop = {[19 1 5]}; ...
从您的 iPhone 或 iPad 连接到 MATLAB®。 计算 MATLAB 命令、创建和编辑文件、查看结果、从传感器获取数据以及可视化数据 - 所有这些都可通过您的移动设备轻松地完成。连接到云 使用您的 MathWorks 帐户从 MATLAB Mobile™ 连接到 MathWorks Cloud。将在…
clear; close all; % Add paths to any external functions used addpath ../components %% Output Parameters NORMALIZE_AUDIO = true; % Normalize audio after applying reverb VERBOSE = true; % Display genetic algorithm status messages SHOW_FIGURES = true; % Display figures plotting IR and output audio...