%% clc clear close all figure(1); axis([0 15 0 15]); % 地图 15x15 begin=[1;2]; % 起点 over=[14;13]; % 终点 obstacle=[5 8 10 7 10 5 ;5 6 9 9 13 10]; % 障碍物x;y坐标 % 绘制起点、终点、障碍物 hold on; plot(begin(1),begin(2),'*b','MarkerSize',10); plot(ov...
clear;clc;%% 新建图形窗口并设置初始属性hFigure=figure('menubar','none','NumberTitle','off','position',...[800800360360],'name','图片切换动画效果');movegui(hFigure,'center');%设置居中%设置坐标轴属性hAxes=axes('Visible','off','units','normalized','position',[0011]);%% 在图形窗口中...
figure 打开一个新的图形窗口 gtext 通过鼠标在指定位置放注文 hold 保持当前图形 legend 鼠标放置图例 refresh 重新绘制当前图形窗口 set 指定对象的属性,如轴 subplot 在子窗口中创建图 text 在图上做标记 bar 创建条形图 loglog 创建双对数图 polar 创建极坐标图像 semilogx 创建半对数图(对数横坐标) semilogy 创...
figurejoint = [pi/60pi/3150];Scara.plot(joint) 即可绘制机器人关节变量为[pi/6 0 pi/3 150]时的机器人状态: 如果joint是一个数组,如: joint(: ,1) = linspace(pi/6,pi/2,100);joint(: ,2) = linspace(0,pi/4,100);joint(: ,3) = linspace(...
[],0.05,0) figure normplot(w); clear all S0=90; % inital price of the underlying K=90; % strike price r=0.05; % risk-free rate sigma=0.3; % volatility of the underlying T=0.25; % experiation date n=10000; % number of replications % compute call option price: uncontrolled ...
1.clear :清除内存变量和函数,把WorkSpace的变量清空; 2.clc :清除当前Matlab命令窗口的内容,注意clc不清楚变量。一般在编写m文件的时候,不是函数的话,前面一般都要加上clear;clc; 目的就是在m文件运行的时候,把内存和屏幕都清空,以免同名称的变量影响以及屏幕容易观察; ...
(frame);17end18close;19%%20figure;21foridx=1:nImages22subplot(3,3,idx)23imshow(im{idx});24end25%%26filename='testAnimated.gif';%Specify the outputfilename27foridx=1:nImages28[A,map]=rgb2ind(im{idx},256);29ifidx==130imwrite(A,map,filename,'gif','LoopCount',Inf,'DelayTime',1)...
Complete! When looking at the figure, it is clear that the industrial sector's electricity usage is fairly consistent and does not seem to fluctuate as much as the residential and commercial sectors. 10.2 Project - Audio Frequency Info:fswill represent the sampling frequency of the audio signal...
This function helps to show distinguishable several figures (e.g. generated through a loop or obtained from several runs) in one figure. in each call, it fades the current content of the figure by a percentage and add the the contents to the figure. As result, Always the newer data have...