The percentage of similarity between two matrices is a measure of how similar the two matrices are and it is calculated by dividing the number of elements that are equal in both matrices by the total number of elements in the two matrices. For example, if two matrices have 10 elements and ...
Returns logical 1 (true) if the rows of two-dimensional matrix A is in sorted order, and logical 0 (false) otherwise. Matrix A is considered to be sorted if A and the output of sortrows(A) are equal. 7 setdiff(A,B) Sets difference of two arrays; returns the values in A that are...
The class also contains the verify_path_length method, which the test cases use as a qualification method to verify that the expected and actual results are equal. The class also contains static methods that create adjacency matrices for the test cases. View the Verification Status ...
MATLAB arrays of any type can be empty. An emptymxArrayis one with at least one dimension equal to zero. For example, a double-precisionmxArrayof typedouble, wheremandnequal 0 andpaisNULL, is an empty array. Sparse Matrices Sparse matrices have a different storage convention from full matri...
symbcon.MSK_DOMAIN_QUADRATIC_CONE n+1 ]; % Maximize problem and return the objective value [rcode,res] = mosekopt('maximize echo(0)', prob, []); % Check if the interior point solution is an optimal point % See about ...
If the trigger is not armed, the software does not check for the trigger conditions and data uploading cannot begin. The trigger can be armed automatically, when the host connects to the target, or manually, by clicking the Arm Trigger button on the External Mode Control Panel. When th...
I also want to record the correct and incorrect responses, but in order to do that, I'd need to check to see if the color matches the word AND the user's input. Is there a way to do that? This is the code I have to check to see if the trials are congr...
if isequal(exist(pathname,'dir'),7) %7 means it's a directory (7)Matlab中用图片制作小电影 方法:使用VideoWriter()类 %% Movie Test. %% Set up some function. % Sine between -2*pi and 2*pi. x = (10*-pi:0.1:10*pi)'; % Note the transpose. ...
Next, you willcheck if A is diagonalizable by applying the general theory. If a matrix A is diagonalizable,the output has to contain an invertible matrix P and a diagonal matrix D, such that, 1 A PDP = ,or, equivalently, AP PD = and P is invertible. For diagonalizable matrices, you ...
The function accepts the input of matrices of trial points also, returning a matrix of corresponding centroids and a vector of corresponding radii. Corresponding points are assumed to be located in the same row in each matrix p1, p2 and p3. ...