There is no MATLAB function that examines every level of a structure of structures, or nested structure, to determine if a field exists. The 'isfield' function examines only the top level of a nested structure. To determine if a field exists at any other level, y...
How can I check if a.table{20} exists or not or empty? Anything that whould give me information of it exsistance? I could not find any function that could have helped so far. Thank you Walter Robersonon 9 Mar 2019 Open in MATLAB Online ...
into one new structure X. X contains all fields present in the various structures. An example: = 'Me' ; B.income = 99999 ; X = catstruct(A,B) % -> = 'Me' ; % X.income = 99999 ; If a fieldname is not unique among structures (i.e., a fieldname ...
if (fid == -1) if ~isempty(dir(filename)) error(message(‘MATLAB:imagesci:imread:fileReadPermission’, filename)); else error(message(‘MATLAB:imagesci:imread:fileDoesNotExist’, filename)); end else % File exists. Get full filename. ...
MATLAB Version : Operating System : Microsoft Windows8.1Pro with Media Center Processor ID : x86 Family6Model37Stepping2, GenuineIntel Virtual Machine : Java1.7.0_11-b21 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM mixed mode ...
Where the atom variable becomes an indexed Matlab struct variable - containing all your molecules attributes like atom names, coordinates and more. Note that you also get the box dimension variable Box_dim holding the box size if such exists. ...
{ if (CA->debugMode()) mexPrintf("MCAEXEC triggered\n"); int Handle; while ((Handle = MonitorQueue.remove()) != 0) { // Find the channel. If it still exists, execute its // command string (if it has one.) Channel *Chan = ChannelTable.find(Handle); ...
% structure record. % % [...] = edfread(fname, 'assignToVariables', assignToVariables) % If assignToVariables is true, triggers writing of individual % output variables, as defined by field 'labels', into the caller % workspace.
And thus it would not be possible to define a property which will map to a structure field which starts with an upper case. However this behavior can be overriden by implementing a BeanInfo class with a custom getPropertyDescriptors() method. For exam...