jcpoints to an integer array of lengthn+1, wherenis the number of columns in the sparse matrix. In C, the first element of anmxArrayhas an index of 0. Thejcarray contains column index information. If thejth column of the sparse matrix has any nonzero elements,jc[j]is the index into...
The folders include all the executables necessary, so you don't need to compile anything. If, however, you want to change the routine in either the MCmatlab.c source code or the finiteElementHeatPropagator.c source code (both located in the folder "+MCmatlab/src"), you will need to re...
nearest_distdouble(np)This field is present only if patch information has been computed for a source space. For each vertex in the triangulation, these values indicate the distance to the nearest active source space vertex. distdouble (np,np)Distances between vertices on this surface given as ...
1.1if语句if语句的基本语法结构有三种,分别如下:(1)if(关系运算表达式) MATLAB语句end这种形式的选择结构表示,当关系运算表达式计算的结果为逻辑真的时候,执行MATLAB语句,这里的MATLAB语句可以是一个MATLAB表达式,也可以是多个MATLAB表达式。在MATLAB语句的结尾处,必须有关键字end。
% colormap length. If the input image is grayscale, BG should be an % integer in the range [0,1]. If the input image is RGB, BG should be a % three-element vector whose values are in the range [0,1]. The string % ‘BackgroundColor’ may be abbreviated. ...
[] counting elements backwards, -1 means the last element jsonpath(obj, '$.obj.array[-1]') % jsonpath.m supports JSONPath's deep-scan operator '..', it traverses through the struct % and find all keys following .., here the output is {"value1", "value2"} jsonpath(obj, '$.obj...
So I need to pick an element, then check if it respect the condition, and if needed pick a different element. (yeah, I know I could generate a reduced list containing only valid elements and pick from that ; but it's beside my point here.) So currently I have two options : a...
To disable this diagnostic, set the Configuration Parameters > Diagnostics > Connectivity > 'Element name mismatch' option to 'None'.Warning:The input bus to block 'PMSM_Sensorless/FastLoopAlgorithm/PosObserver/BemfObsrvDQ/AMCLIB_BemfObsrvDQ_SF' does not match th...
Despite extensive research on the biomechanics of insect wings over the past years, direct mechanical measurements on sensitive wing specimens remain very challenging. This is especially true for examining delicate museum specimens. This has made the finite element method popular in studies of wing biom...
Matrix and Element-Wise Multiplication Suppose that you have two large square matrices,AandB, and you want to multiply corresponding elements in each one. If you useA*B, you will get a result of the expected size (the same asA), but not the right numbers. T...