% Initialize a flag to check if the tab exists tabExists = false; % Check for existing tabs using contains for j = 1:length(tabGroup.Children) if contains(tabGroup.Children(j).Title, subStr) existingTab = tabGroup.Children(j); tabExists = true; break; % Exit loop if tab is found...
Java exception occurred: Exception: com.comsol.util.exceptions.FlException: An object with the given name already exists Messages: 已存在指定名称的对象。 - 标记: deform1 Stack trace: at com.comsol.model.method.ModelEntityListMethod.checkContains(SourceFile:291) at com....
If a structure or an object, the number of fields and field names To access the mxArray structure, use functions in the C or Fortran Matrix APIs. These functions allow you to create, read, and query information about the MATLAB data in your MEX files. Matrix APIs use the mwSize and mw...
PG_OBJECT系统表记录索引最后修改时间时不支持对该语法的记录。 添加,修改索引的注释。 1 2 ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] index_name COMMENT 'text'; 删除索引的注释。 1 2 3 4 ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 使用Advisor工具分析生成调优建议 包含Detail信息及修改示例的HTML信息...
MATLAB Coder 2498090 Read operation of a System object property in resetImpl method might produce different answers in generated code and MATLAB if the property has an initial value MATLAB Coder 2510948 Missing CRL replacement in generated code for matrix multiplication with transposed inputs MATLAB Co...
If a structure or an object, the number of fields and field names To access themxArraystructure, use functions in the C or Fortran Matrix APIs. These functions allow you to create, read, and query information about the MATLAB data in your MEX files. Matrix APIs use themwSizeandmwIndextypes...
Indeed, those files does not exists in the driver. I wrote them and contains the wrappers used for initialization like MBD_BCC_Init function, where you can fill the structure of settings and the function that actually measures the data. You can find them in the SDK FreeMas...
If a structure or an object, the number of fields and field names To access themxArraystructure, use functions in the C or Fortran Matrix APIs. These functions allow you to create, read, and query information about the MATLAB data in your MEX files. Matrix APIs use themwSizeandmwIndextypes...
then x < 10 by using assume. Use assumptions to check that only the second assumption exists ...