Problem 838. Check if number exists in vector Return 1 if number a exists in vector b otherwise return 0. a = 3; b = [1,2,4]; Returns 0. a = 3; b = [1,2,3]; Returns 1. functiony=existsInVector(a,b)y=any(b==a)end Problem 10. Determine whether a vector is monotonically...
Problem 10. Determine whether a vector is monotonically increasing Created by:Cody Team Tagsvectors,matlab 101 1 Solution 42 Size Problem 838. Check if number exists in vector Created by:Nichlas Tagsvectors,basic matlab 2 Solutions 32 Size ...
Problem 838. Check if number exists in vector Created by:Nichlas Tagsvectors,basic matlab 5 Solutions 32 Size Problem 19. Swap the first and last columns Created by:Cody Team Tagsmath,matlab 101,permutations 4 Solutions 76 Size Problem 262. Swap the input arguments ...
If you want to check whether a particular argument is a scalar (single-value) or an array, ...
后来我把这个变量名改成了“vector_length_check”。这名字多棒啊!我同事看到后,忍不住说:“这才像个专业的程序员写的代码嘛。”我听了就特别兴奋,感觉自己好像升级了一样。所以说,在Matlab里,尤其是在if变量命名上,真的要用心,可不能马虎大意。 例子4 我记得有一回,我用Matlab写一个程序来判断一个数是否...
is given by variable log_PL. The true value') disp('of y(t+h) is given in the variable true_value. For example the mean squared') disp('forecast error can be obtained using the command') disp(' MSFE = (Y_pred_mean - true_value).^2') disp('If you are using the SSVS prior...
x滌絢 $莙 鴻 墷蚅7 湿F蚳 :A A 冑磡DV%邯矏櫿=岶 e她牤 >BXJ 輥$$ 燖恱 艜璉原N:璍v Ii%俟G #"照3=磊i咲uf<<< =<<<"飿&髾鋢 x銝芎p菙豝灎@B霧 2戩鴃釒[-)庎 4I栺ㄗ笊 .N $p籲8颩W媱D={NzdF鎑憈缌Ⅺp|qo eE1[9x厉 ig.v葾贚...
% index of P is the frequency and the last one the mode number ranked in % descending order by modal energy. F is the frequency vector. If DT is % not specified, a unit frequency sampling is assumed. For real-valued % data, adjusted one-sided eigenvalue spectra are returned. Although...
State derivatives returned by S-function 'BUCKchap3_6plant' in 'BUCKchap3_6/S-Function' during flag=1 call must be a real vector... 2 답변 why do i get Error in 'untitled1/DDE Source/S-Function' while executing MATLAB S-function 'sfunddi',...
function checkCostFunction(lambda)% Set lambda if ~exist('lambda', 'var') || isempty(lambda) lambda = 0; end%% Create small problem X_t = rand(4, 3); Theta_t = rand(5, 3);% Zap out most entries Y = X_t * Theta_t'; ...